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The rest of March Break with the kids went fairly well. Cody can be really well behaved when he wants to be. He even cleaned up all the toys in the main room one day and said “I know you have a b...

For some unknown reason, Miles drove us absolutely crazy last night. Once I put him to bed he was constantly calling for us, crying, requesting random things and just saying Mommy for hours. I co...

We have dealt with so much sickness since I wrote my last entry. Omg. And I am still trying to get over a cold that just doesn’t want to leave. Today is day 18 of this darn cold. So, anyway, star...

I forgot how tiring the last trimester of pregnancy is. I’m 30 weeks and I spend the night tossing and turning so of course the next day I’m exhausted. And today I was taking Cody to the bus stop...

Wow I haven’t written in like a month! Didn’t even realize that. I do read you guys still. I guess I just forgot to write. So anyways, I’m 29.5 weeks pregnant now and things are going well. I’m f...

So I am 25.5 weeks pregnant now and the pregnancy is going well. I’m not having any horrible symptoms lately which is nice. The baby kicks a lot now and rolls around in there which can be uncomfo...

We had a wonderful Christmas this year. Cody understood it a lot more this year and could hardly wait all December for the exciting day to arrive. We finished our Christmas shopping about 5 days ...

Wow I had no idea it’s been 19 days since I have written in here. Anyways, I have been off work since my shift ended on the 19th of November. It’s wonderful getting a full night of sleep every ni...

I’m at the end of my shift at work and the bizarre thing is that this is my 2nd last shift here before I’m completely done. Almost 10 years and just like that I’m going to leave on Wednesday nigh...

Kids are so freaking weird and unpredictable. Well Cody especially lately. I finally have locks on the fridge, freezer and cupboards that he can’t get into. So he hasn’t been able to get into for...

We had our private gender ultrasound on November 4th, my birthday. We were ordering a gender reveal cake so I asked the lady to write the gender down instead of tell us. She was looking between t...

I am dying to find out the gender of my baby and I was able to find a place nearby where you can get a private gender ultrasound at 16 weeks. So I booked it and am finding out next week on my bir...

I volunteered at Cody’s school today as his class went on a trip to a pumpkin patch. I really wanted to see the kids in his class and to see how he acts in that environment so I signed up right a...

One of my friends is having her gender ultrasound today. She has one boy already and badly wants a girl. I know the feeling! Lol. I will admit I was disappointed a bit to find out my 2nd baby was...

So today is the beginning of my 2nd trimester (13 weeks) which is a wonderful milestone as soon I should stop feeling sick and exhausted and feel a bit more like myself, just bigger. The sickness...

I’m so frustrated with my body. Yesterday at around 5pm I noticed some brown blood on the liner I wear for discharge. Cue me freaking out! But then I googled and talked to some people and they sa...

Last Monday when I turned 11 weeks exactly I noticed a bit of pink on my toilet paper when I went to wipe around lunch time and I was like OMG WTF? I have never had any kind of bleeding or spotti...

Cody got off the school bus on Thursday afternoon and he said he didn’t feel well. Turned out he had a low grade fever so I gave him some medicine and he got better pretty quickly. Then by bed ti...

So I’m 10 weeks pregnant now and my baby is approximately the size of a prune and looking really baby-like with miniscule little organs working away in there. Its kidneys are apparently already f...

Of course just when I say I haven’t been feeling too sick lately the sickness creeps back. It came back around work time on Sunday night. I felt terrible and had to keep stuffing my face at work ...

Cody had his first day of Junior Kindergarten on Friday. It was a full day and the teacher said I should probably drive him myself the first day (because in the future he will take the bus). I kn...

I forgot how much your body can prompt you to eat when you’re pregnant. Omg! I can hardly keep up right now. I wake up absolutely starving every day and it just goes on from there. Even after a b...

My baby is the size of a raspberry now! Or a kidney bean. Grow baby grow! I have been feeling pretty great for the most part this week. I don’t know what changed but I’m not feeling as sick anymo...

So I was 7 weeks pregnant yesterday. Time is absolutely CRAWLING. I’ve been feeling sick a lot lately and when I’m not feeling sick I’m usually exhausted so my poor boys have been stuck in the ho...

One of the toughest part of pregnancy for me, is that you just don’t feel like yourself. You never know what symptoms you’re going to experience each day which tends to scare me since most of the...

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