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Yesterday was a terrible day for me. Morning sickness tends to hit me at 6 weeks to the day and once again it hit me full force at the 6 week mark. I was throwing up so I called my doctor who cal...

So I’m 5 weeks pregnant today :) It’s definitely sunk in more since Thursday night and I’m really excited. It’s still early days so I haven’t been feeling a crazy amount of symptoms yet just bloa...

We always knew we wanted to have 3 kids but these 2 exhaust me so it took me a while to even think about experiencing the terrifying ride otherwise known as pregnancy again lol. So I kept saying ...

Cody turned 4 recently and I can’t believe how much mischief he still gets into. It’s enough to drive you crazy sometimes! This morning before I got out of bed he climbed into Miles’ crib, undres...

I really need to make an effort to write more often! Anyways, Cody is 3 years and 8 months old now and he has been doing a lot of growing up lately. Thank goodness too because it’s time lol. Firs...

We have been back since the very early morning of the 3rd. Sorry for the late entry lol. You know how it is. Life is busy with kids and jobs and such. Anyways, we left for Buffalo on February 19...

Won my first dietbet this morning. Great start to the day!! I was really close though. Like, I woke up and jumped on and off the scale 10 times and could not get it to say any lower than .4lbs ab...

Good morning everyone!! I forgot to mention that Miles turned 18 months last Sunday! And omg I forgot how tough this age is lol. Seriously, it seems like most of the time he has a one track mind...

Yay! Finally finished the military diet and I didn’t cheat or anything lol. You can do anything for 3 days, right? Anyways, the important thing is that I lost FOUR pounds!! Nice! That makes me su...

Yay it’s the last day of me being on the military diet lol. I know it’s only a 3 day thing but when I can’t have a tea or coffee when I want one or even just a small snack that makes things reall...

Hello all! Wow, 2 weeks since I have written in here. Life is definitely busy these days! I sold those Valentine Jamberry wraps I was selling in my last entry plus lots more since that’s the most...

Hello all! Monday morning and I’m tiredddddddd after my first night back to work after the weekend. But I’ll be ok. I was going to take the kids to a cheap playcentre this morning but at the time...

I’m excited to get our 2 Natureboxes this week, especially since I only paid the discounted price of $17 for one of them lol. Also, once I saw it shipped, I went to cancel my membership because a...

We got our trial box of the Naturebox (healthy snacks) monthly subscription yesterday! The regular monthly box has 5 large bags of snacks in it but this trial one just had one big bag and 4 small...

Tonight I randomly decided to look up Canadian places that send subscription boxes out each month. I am not too much into clothes or makeup so I ended up ordering a small one for Cody from a comp...

So now that the Christmas season is officially over it’s back to our regular routines at our house just with a few new toys lol. I’m really loving the different sets of samples of teas that I got...

Do you ever write an entry and then realize how much stuff you forgot to mention? Yeah I totally did that with my last entry. More about Christmas....neither of my kids had any interest in seeing...

Wow! Definitely time for me to update after not doing so for 4 weeks. We’re alive I swear lol. I finished my Christmas shopping really early this year, which felt AMAZING, and my parents came bac...

Since I have some extra money this year from Jamberry, I decided to get professional Christmas pictures taken of the kids. I picked outfits for them and we went and it was soooooo chaotic with Co...

Wow this month has been wayyyy too busy. I can’t believe how quickly it has flown by. I feel like I have a million things on my mind to remember at all times. Very stressful! Anyways…as for weigh...

Monday was my first weigh in after a week of dieting and exercising. I ate 1600 calories or less every day and did some strength training exercises from a 30 day challenge chart I’m doing. I did ...

My cousin and I went to see Gone girl at the movies last Sunday because I read the book a while ago, loved it and recommended it her and she loved it too. The movie was really well done. We both ...

I feel like I have an insane amount of stuff to update on since I last wrote! First of all, my brother came to babysit on October 25th while Mike and I went to a theme park for the day which also...

Hi all! I’ve been so busy that I just haven’t found the time to write lately. Right now the boys are napping and I just put on some cute Halloween Jamberry nails! Check them out: The business is...

Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians! We are going to Mike’s Grandmother’s tomorrow and having turkey for lunch. Yum! Nothing like turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing and peas with a roll. My ...

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