Rough week in Life as a Mom of 2 boys.....and a girl!!

  • Sept. 28, 2015, 2:07 a.m.
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Cody got off the school bus on Thursday afternoon and he said he didn’t feel well. Turned out he had a low grade fever so I gave him some medicine and he got better pretty quickly. Then by bed time he was feeling feverish again so he got another dose and went to sleep. Well, it’s Sunday night right now (well Monday morning at 3am to be precise but I don’t truly count it as Monday until I go to sleep and wake up).....and Cody has had low grade fevers off and on since Thursday. Even tonight he went to go to bed and it was back! I couldn’t believe it. I will give him children’s motrin, it will work quickly and for a while and then as soon as it wears off he has a fever again and says he doesn’t feel good the poor kid! I’m not sure what the heck is up but that’s definitely the longest this has ever gone on for him. He has a runny nose and cough now too from Miles’ lovely cold that we all ended up getting. I’m taking him to the doctor in the morning if he’s not better. He keeps telling me “medicine not working Mommy!” lol like I’m doing something wrong.

Since it is technically Monday I’m 11 weeks now and my first ultrasound is Thursday afternoon!! Please get here quickly Thursday! I have been feeling fairly good this week for the most part with the odd bit of sickness here and there and crazy hunger which drives me nuts because I feel like I spend a large part of the day figuring out what to eat next.....and it just goes on and on.....and sometimes I’m like OMG I DON’T WANT TO EAT ANYMORE but my stomach is screaming something different. It’s nuts.

I got terrible news on Thursday from work. Our work was bought out by another company a little while ago and we transferred over to being part of the new company and my boss said she was confident nothing much would change. Well, it did. Thursday I got a call saying my entire department is being laid off including the head boss of my department. I couldn’t believe it. I was in total shock. I’ve been at this company for over 9 years now! I got this job straight out of University. What the heck am I going to do next? They told us that we aren’t being laid off yet. That we are renewed to work for 8 weeks and they will very likely extend that to another 8 weeks with a possibility of more time after that. And we will get severance pay which is equal to about 22 weeks of pay for me (11 full paycheques). It’s an extra weird situation for me because I was planning on going on maternity leave at the end of March. So now I’m just hoping we work as close to the end of March as possible. Even if we don’t the severance pay will definitely help get me to my maternity leave which I can go on as early as when I’m 32 weeks pregnant which is February 22nd. You only have to have worked 600 hours in the last year to get maternity leave so I already qualify. So I will have until the baby is close to a year before I need to find another job......and I’m so not looking forward to that because I have no idea what kind of job I can do which will allow me to still see lots of my children like my current job does. I’m pretty bummed about it. Like, I knew this job wasn’t something I wanted to do forever but I was thinking it would be great until all 3 kids are in school.

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