Silverkitty ⋅ 52

Entries 184

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Since my four-wheeled walker doesn’t fit into our car and I can’t really use it (I don’t need a four-wheeled walker in the house, it was meant to be for outings), John listed it on Ebay last nigh...

September 26, 2014

Trader Joes in Another Open Diary refugee

Almost had a freak-out experience at the gas station this morning… they had Atkins bars on clearance when we stopped for gas a few days ago so I went back for more. Only to find my debit card mys...

September 24, 2014

Grrr... in Another Open Diary refugee

Couple of days of MAJOR freakout here… the insurance company has been fining me for failing their biometric exam this year and they said that you could get the money refunded if you passed a rete...

Leaving John to sleep in this morning… neither of us could get to sleep last night, so I was up making cards at 1am, and I didn’t go to bed until he did. I wasn’t feeling well yesterday - seemed ...

September 19, 2014

. in Another Open Diary refugee

Tired, cranky, hormonal, nauseous, and crampy… ah, the joys of being a woman - sometimes they’re highly overrated.

You know those days when you get up to clean ONE thing.. .and the more you do, the more you look around and see stuff to do, so you end up cleaning until you can’t move another muscle? That was t...

Had a nasty dream last night that’s left me in a really bad mood today… ugh. You know the kind of dream that exists purely to make you feel bad about yourself? It was one of them… Had to do a lo...

Starting to think about decorating for the holidays… even though we’re TOTALLY broke and can’t afford to spend more than about ten bucks on each month, I’m feeling a bit excited about being able ...

Since I was out of action this week with asthma, things were pretty grotty around here. My breathing seems back to normal today, so I wanted to get the place cleaned up before the weekend. Today ...

September 11, 2014

Improving in Another Open Diary refugee

Doing better today… lots of nebulising, and lots of panting whenever I start moving around, but I’m a lot better than yesterday, when I couldn’t do a darned thing besides sit there! Empted and re...

Looks like spaghetti sauce is on my ‘do not eat’ list… yesterday I made a pot of meat sauce with ground beef, ground turkey and Italian sausage. I was going to freeze it for later but John wanted...

September 07, 2014

Sunday in Another Open Diary refugee

We both got up in time to go to 9 o’clock church today… hooray! I’m pretty sure it’s the first time we’ve made it to church in a month - the last two weeks I was feeling fine, but John was down f...

I had one of those days today when I should be locked up away from everyone else because I was in a VILE mood… didn’t get nearly enough sleep last night because I had evil dreams and I had to get...

Today was a two-tramadol day… BUT - I got an awful lot done! (this is probably a bit boring, but it’s nice to have something positive to write instead of whining about how much I hurt… yes I hurt...

Well, I must have got the carbohydrate balance in my diet right… I eat whenever I get hungry, and I use sandwich thins and the occasional bowl of frozen yoghurt for my sugar, and I have some of J...

John’s stuck at home with a mouth abscess so neither of us is getting any time alone and we’re getting on each other’s last nerve… plus he’s in pain and frustrated and all that stuff. He snapped ...

August 24, 2014

Sunday in Another Open Diary refugee

Sunday morning... John got up and went to Urgent Care. That must mean he REALLY feels bad... (worried). In the meantime, I can't lift my right arm above my shoulder and my neck is hurting on that...

Now I'm pissed off... John's got to do his diabetes education class on Tuesday so he decided to take Friday and Monday as vacation days... Good, he needs a break and we need some 'together time'...

Very tired and grouchy this afternoon... I worked my butt off today but there's very little to show for it. I cleaned up the coffee table in the living room, which had turned into a snowdrift of ...

Wondering if I'm ever going to be able to stop nebulising twice a day... it's going on for a month now. I started at four times a day, then three, but the best I've been able to do is morning as ...

Last night was a bit weird... my body's temperature control was totally whacked. I went to bed early because I had a headache, and John went out to the living room to watch tv at about ten o'cloc...

Well, I don't know if it was just good luck before... but I've had to use pain pills the last three days in a row. I haven't had one today, but this afternoon it feels like the little guys in my ...

(no mama, there is no mention of litterboxes or feline bodily functions in this entry... - she thought my last entry about poor Tessie was too graphic. You can tell she doesn't have pets! lol) BT...

We had to take our little Tessie girl to the vet today... when I was in the bathroom this morning she came in and squatted in the litterbox and wiggled her tail like she was going potty, then she...

Yesterday morning I was feeling great... but I wore down as the day went on. The rain came down in SHEETS yesterday, and my lungs lodged a formal protest against the rising humidity even though I...

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183 Entries

2 Entries