
The irresistible urge to rant, riff and ramble

by Notkieran

Entries 172

Page 2 of 7

November 07, 2014

Cosmic justice

Xueling: Look at me daddy! Me: Is that safe? Xueling: No but I can do it! Me: Yeah, this is my life.

November 06, 2014

Clumpers and splitters

Me: I’m amused that Andrea has an almost identical haircut as you. Caffeine: Our haircuts are nothing alike. Me: Apart from the fact that they’re both short and draw attention to your face in a c...

November 03, 2014

From nanowrimo forums

OP: Is superhero fiction science fiction or fantasy? Me: Iron Man is science fiction. Thor is fantasy. Captain America is science fiction. I do not know, therefore, what Avengers is. Actually, I...

OP: My mage is being stalked by a mage killer who has incredible close combat skills, and technologically enhanced abilities that enable him to detect and disable magic. Me: You could have a numb...

OP: What kind of lethal accidents could teenagers get into in a city without adult supervision? Me: Anything preceded by “Y’ALL GOTTA WATCH THIS!” or “HOLD MAH BEER!” On reflection, I should hav...

Whenever you attempt anything, whenever you try to be better, whenever you try to do anything great, there will be people who try to stop you. There will be people who try to drag you back with n...

October 18, 2014


It’s taken thirty years to clarify this: Whenever I got beaten up at school, my mum would always ask what did you do to provoke them? Classic victim blaming. It wasn’t until a conversation yeste...

October 12, 2014

Don't get me wrong

Dear troublemaker. You are not the first person to mistake my politeness for weakness. You will probably not be the last. Get this right: I am not polite because I am afraid of you. I am polit...

September 28, 2014

Making sport

We watch sports because it fulfills a need within us. And the reasons we watch sports are complicated, but it boils down, often, to narrative. When we see people struggle and strive and improve, ...

September 24, 2014

Pattern Recognition

I believe that every action we take reveals our beliefs, and every choice we make reveals our preference. Unfortunately this means that sometimes, such as when I was browsing 500px just now, it ...

September 19, 2014


Stop asking me is this a good guy? Is this a bad guy? You have eyes. You have a brain. You know what is the right thing to do or the wrong thing to do. You already know from watching Sanosuke th...

September 17, 2014


Xueling likes being photographed. So it was a surprise to me when, at the event above, she looked solemnly at the photographer next to me when he asked “can I photograph you?”, started to nod, a...

September 11, 2014

Fill it up

Those who have nothing on the inside try,so very hard, to fill it by dragging everyone into the void with them. It doesn’t work. You don’t become better by dragging everyone else down. You don’t...

September 10, 2014


>A sword is a weapon. Swordsmanship is the art of murder. That is the truth. What Miss Kaoru says is play-talk that only those who have not stained their hands can say. >However, this humbl...

September 08, 2014

Spiderman 2

Xueling didn’t say anything when Gwen Stacy died. She just turned to me and crawled up into my arms and waited for an explanation. Whether she understood it or not I’m not sure yet, but she under...

August 31, 2014


Love is a peculiar thing. We do not, perhaps, love sanely, or rationally, or intelligently; certainly we do not love wisely. We meet someone, when all the switches in us are ready for love, and ...

August 31, 2014


I commit myself, as always, to one perfect step at a time, with each step landing midfoot without heelstrike, timed to breathing keyed to music that, if it were a mixtape, would have worn grooves...

August 26, 2014

So I'm a daft punk

Xueling came home with a family homework assignment: Make a poster about an animal that she wanted to talk about. Me: What do you want? Xueling: Dinosaur! Me: utter lack of surprise Ok. Shortly a...

August 10, 2014


I don't have an evil twin. Somewhere in the universe, however, someone keeps looking over his shoulder, worrying that I'll show up. He's wrong, though. Other people get evil twins. He gets an ...

August 06, 2014

Improvised Weapons

Some people are born with gifts-- strength, beauty, riches-- and while they may count their blessings, that which is achieved without effort is never truly yours. The rest of us have to content...

August 01, 2014

From a writer's meeting

Kid: So, Y, are you still on the list of writers we're keeping [on the anthology]? Y: Yes. Kid: Even though you haven't finished writing? How can that be possible? Me: He's the editor and orga...

There was a fight in the mall today. I broke it up. Rewind a bit, maybe seven years, back before Xueling was born, and there was a memorable occasion when I was at ION Orchard, and a guy started...

July 26, 2014

Satellite 30

The unhappiest are those for whom the brightly burning flame of will outstrips the limitations of their mortal vessel. The unluckiest are those for whom the flame of will never burns at all, le...

July 15, 2014


Caffeine: I'm going to order the yukata^ from this shop. They haven't replied but I don't think they'll supply an obi^^, just an informal sash. Me: Are you ok with the sash? Caffeine: No. Me: ...

OP: How do you become addicted to gambling? Me: You lose, and think it's just bad luck. You win, and attribute it to your skill, thus putting the good and bad into two different ledgers that y...

Book Description

Epiphanies, sarcasm, opinions and thoughts that may or may not fit in 140 characters.