From a writer's meeting in The irresistible urge to rant, riff and ramble

  • July 31, 2014, 8:31 p.m.
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Kid: So, Y, are you still on the list of writers we're keeping [on the anthology]?

Y: Yes.

Kid: Even though you haven't finished writing? How can that be possible?

Me: He's the editor and organiser. He decides whether he gets to stay or kicked out.

Kid: What? Why? That's unfair!

Me: May I point out that he also gets to decide whether you get to stay or kicked out.

Kid: How's that possible? When did he get all this power?

Me:He took on this job.

Kid: So? He's just organising!

Me: With great responsibility comes great power.

Kid: What?

Y: I could just forget to tell you when the meetings are happening.

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