
Groovy's Life 1

by Groovys Life

Entries 8

Page 1 of 1

July 21, 2023

Day Unknown

Still here, just existing. Too cowardly to pull the trigger, mentally unstable, not seeking attention, drowning myself in my own thoughts of not existing. Why live!!?? Why??!! Why wont I just die...

March 18, 2023

Groovy's Life

Every minute of everyday, I wish to not exist. But I cannot because I have to worry about keeping everyone around me safe and happy and going. I am selfish for putting everyone first. I hate it, ...

April 13, 2018

Day 6

Hi, hope you’re well. I think it’s about time I accept what this is and that there will be no us ever again and I need to face reality as I have seen this now as the feelings I have for you are ...

April 12, 2018

Day 5

Its so hard to talk when you want to kill yourself. That’s above and beyond everything else, and it’s not a mental complaint-it’s a physical thing, like it’s physically hard to open your mouth an...

April 10, 2018

Day 4

My head is spinning, thoughts that cannot be controlled and my head is a place that no one should be in as it would torture the toughest of people. I plan my way out which feels to be the best an...

March 01, 2018

Day 3

Hello, so it is dark in the rabbit hole. Wanting to get out but at the same time wanting to stay or even go deeper, what must I do? Do I ask for help? Must I do anything at all? These are just a ...

February 20, 2018

Day 2

Well day 2… I have loved, I have lost, I have been beaten, I have been thrown aside, I have picked myself up many times after falling down. It was easy at first as I felt I could take on the worl...

January 20, 2018

Day 1

Ok, so hello and welcome to me, Groovy. This is the first day of the entry, it’s taken me some time to get to the point that I’ve come to realise this is my only form of expression or outlet. I a...

Book Description

My life, sounds cliché