
Will Fly For Food

by red over red

Entries 65

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April 15, 2018


I wrote on OD since I was about 13… my life was obviously much different then. OD helped me make it through high school, college, navigating jobs, careers, boyfriends, and eventually a husband. ...

June 16, 2017


I just don’t have the desire to write on here anymore. One part of it is the fact that I can’t really say anything about work. Lately work has become the overwhelming theme in my life because...

Welp. Life is boring. Work has been up and down, but busier lately. As I mentioned when I talked about Project Impact, the bank I work for is big into community service. Last year they took a g...

March 23, 2016

Things... and stuff.

I am such a deadbeat on here lately. Let’s see… I spent a week in Omaha for work. I kind of liked it, I think I could live in a baby city. Definitely more opportunities there than around here. ...

February 27, 2016

It's not you; it's me

I am currently on my way home from a week of classes at FNB tower in Omaha. I had to carpool with two girls from Mitchell. They have worked together for over 10 years. I have worked out of differ...

April 19, 2015

Kitchen Update

Before And after. Just so you know how far we have come. NEW: appliances (stove, fridge, and dishwasher), rewired and replaced light switches (beige to white), removed/replaced/rewired outlet/r...

My mom has finally listed her house! Looking at the listing, it looks very nice, but I don’t feel anything, really. Some people say they feel connected to the house they grew up in. But for so...

January 22, 2015


N’s parents decided a few years ago to get labs and breed them, then sell the puppies. A couple years ago they got Maggie and Rocko. Maggie is a black lab and Rocko a yellow. ANYWAY, they had p...

November 07, 2014

What's up, Doc

I drove to Watertown to see my gynachiatrist today. It’s been a while and I was overdue for the yearly poke and grope. The nurse who took my info upon arrival was the same nurse who I have alw...

October 28, 2014

Hallows Eve 2014

I secretly love Halloween. Not only is dressing up a blast, trick of treating is awesome, costume parties are fun, and everyone loves the food and candy. But since I’m and “adult” I have to work...

October 03, 2014

Just a few more days!

I just have to get through Friday and Saturday and I will have four glorious days off from both jobs. Tomorrow I work 745-12, then 3-3, then 745-12 Saturday, then 3-11. So that will be awesome. ...

September 15, 2014

Quarterly Update

We have fallen off the bandwagon a bit on the debt snowball with all the new home expenses that have popped up. I think I’m being a bit harder on myself than Nate is about the whole thing, but w...

September 12, 2014


I worked at skyways today because I am a glutton for punishment. Basically, what had happened was the Hoff approached Nate about flying his brother to Anoka County. Nate really didn’t want to do...

August 06, 2014


Vacation was great. I had a ton of fun, saw some neat stuff, laughed a lot and drank a little. I miss flying. :(. Also, I had to endure the Spanish Inquisition from N's relatives about when w...

July 22, 2014


My life is fucking exhausting. I've been running, running, running so hard for the last 7 months and it's finally catching up with me. It's been a few little things. Like, I haven't been able t...

July 14, 2014


I sometimes get the feeling I could disappear entirely from the internet and be totally ok with that. Would anyone notice? Would anyone care? Take Facebook for instance. It used to be way bet...

And my hips will never forgive me. I also strongly believe that my heart prefers to stay below 100 BPM and it considers anything over that base treachery. Oh well, I only have to put on a good ...

This weeks Supreme Court ruling has seriously pissed me off. Here's a good article that agrees with my standpoint. Oddly enough my husband takes the other side. My sister sides with me, but he...

But we really don't know for sure yet. We made an offer, they made a counter offer. We accepted the counter offer. Then they had to give a certain amount of time (24-72 hours) to the people wh...

June 25, 2014


We put in an offer on a house. We should hear back today whether it is approved, rejected, or countered. <3 Sarah

First week back from LET went well. Graduation was on Friday the 13th. It was kind of a joke. We all voted for the abridged version because we couldn't wait to see that place in the rear view....

June 11, 2014

Hump Day Pictures

Can you tell which one was mine? First time shooting a Glock on an indoor police range. The instructor taught me some great techniques I can use going forward to practice. The vast majority ...

June 10, 2014

Nailed it.

I went fishing today after class. I met up with some people and we went out on the river in a boat. I got close enough to crossing the river that my phone switched time zones. It still hasn't ...

June 04, 2014


I arrived on Sunday afternoon. The Law Enforcement Academy is actually pretty neat. When you arrive into Pierre on US Highway 14 E it is set against the backdrop of rolling hills in all directi...

May 31, 2014

Hi Ho, hi ho

I had the morning off. The plan was to be lazy with Nate, then when he left to go do productive things, I would do productive things. What happened instead is that I watched the movie Erin Broc...

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