Named after a hotdog? You poor poor man in Will Fly For Food

  • April 19, 2016, 12:35 p.m.
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Life is boring. Work has been up and down, but busier lately.
As I mentioned when I talked about Project Impact, the bank I work for is big into community service. Last year they took a group of employees to Hong Kong for a Habitat for Humanity project. This year they are going to Sofia, Bulgaria. I had no desire to go to Hong Kong. But Bulgaria? I could totally do Bulgaria. I haven’t talked to my boss yet about it, but I plan on it. The deadline to apply is early May. Never hurts to try.

Oh, and I am killing the fitness thing. Tonight I did 20 minutes of rowing machine sprints, then about 30 minutes of kettlebells. My legs and arms are feeling it, whoo whoo. I love that after-workout feeling.

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<3 Sarah

!StarGazer! April 19, 2016

After work out is the only good feeling! ha..

Bulgaria could be awesome. I hope you get to go

dickson. April 20, 2016

Yes, yes you need to go to Bulgaria. That would be such a kick ass opportunity! I can't believe you had no interest in Hong Kong!

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