Just a few more days! in Will Fly For Food

  • Oct. 2, 2014, 10:48 p.m.
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I just have to get through Friday and Saturday and I will have four glorious days off from both jobs.

Tomorrow I work 745-12, then 3-3, then 745-12 Saturday, then 3-11. So that will be awesome. It can’t be worse than the quick turns I did when I worked for the USPS and Skyways.

On Sunday we will be driving to Brookings to pick up our last appliance for our kitchen - the dishwasher. Then it is up to Watertown to pick up some stuff from Menards and my moms house.

Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday I have projects. I get to install flooring. Finish painting (I finally got one of those stupid MacGuyver ladders so I can paint our stairwell). Repaint our trim. Tear the drywall and subfloor out of the upstairs bathroom.

Oh, and I decided to try my hand at making wood furniture.

Although the wood furniture might be a later project, since I have to do all the painting before I can install the new flooring.

The furniture thing came out of left field, I know. But basically anyone who lives in a cold climate needs one of these in their entryway:
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because we have so much cold weather gear!

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And I’m having the problem where I am too cheap to buy one new and can’t find any used. The problem with buying new isn’t that I can’t afford it. It’s that furniture that is mass produced, in general, is unappealing and hideously overpriced to me. You can’t tell me that particle board and “select hardwood veneers” costs that much. None of them are even real wood. I’ve seen pieces anywhere from $99 (Lowes.com) to well over $1,000.

I also really want/need something for my transitionary area between my kitchen and dining room. It’s just an awkward transition on one side and I would really like a hutch/buffet/china table/cabinet thing.

The only thing is I want a spot for holding bottles of wine, too, which I honestly think can’t be that hard to make, basically find one with a bottle holder and measure. Then like, nail some boards together, sand and stain. I’ve seen the retards who took shop in high school. I can do this. Measure twice, cut once.

This is my inspiration:
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<3 Sarah
PS I know these pics are low quality. Taken by my cell phone from a computer screen out of sheer laziness. Yet I think I am going to build furniture. Don’t judge it.

Star Maiden October 03, 2014

But what if I think that's awesome? That's kinda judging... Lol

dickson. October 03, 2014

LOVE the entrance way.

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