

by nothispenelope

Entries 225

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March 26, 2018

from 6 months to. 24 hrs.

this is. from yesterday: that’s quite a range. I went from Aug./Sept. - Feb. w/o a drink. and then withdrawl hit end of this month. and then. well I won’t repeat the other thing that happened. bu...

this actually is from earlier yesterday: i did the substance thing again. it’s now 2:10 a.m. it happened at 1:30. i told myself i’d wait at least 24 hrs. i’m um. well obviously not great if i’m d...

March 25, 2018

i found it.

this is from um yesterday: < see previous entry. so i found it. they’re entries from back in oct. 2012 in my other blog. apparently. what happened was. apparently [again.]. my ex [well he wasn...

actually this isn’t entirely accurate. but here we go: So a few yrs. ago back when i was going to the bar and karaoke and karaoke at the bar. and drinking. Well it was some time after my ex had v...

this is from um yesterday: So in my dream I was at the circus. [the, circus? fine a, circus] the old fashioned kind but I was in the tent w/ the performers. only. they/we weren’t performing. and ...

March 25, 2018

so I told Matt.

this again is from earlier. Matt is this guy i know from my days in boarding school. he’s from TN. i told him about the sub. thing. and he’s ‘relapses again.........long as you’re trying not to’....

this is from earlier: so as put. the last time i had a night like this was back in feb. feb. 6th. so. no that’s it.

March 24, 2018

not havin a great night.

this is from earlier: 2:20 a.m. atm. at 1:20 i had the substance thing happen. as i was reaching for it in my closet i was crying and i thought ‘you don’t have to do this’ and ‘no but my ex didn’...

March 20, 2018

from the 11th - the 17th

well the 11th which was sun. i um. i was at my mom’s oh right cause the lady was out of town. ok. on the 12th which was mon. i was at my mom’s. valerie came at 5 we went to wendy’s then the store...

March 20, 2018

got my period.

yeah so i got my period um. yesterday and so far it’s been. ok which. is nice. i um. i thought i’d be getting it the 16th and so i was prepared. but no.

March 20, 2018

what a weird day.

actually it was kindof boring. i um well i did my laundry once piece er one. grocery bag. gettin closer to doin my bed linens but not there yet. um so. at 3:20 i started to get all ready. only to...

yeah so after I told him that. told my ex ‘if you ever do something like that again’ he went something like ‘well i’m sorry’ and either ‘that’s what I do’ or ‘but if you hadn’t.........’. No he k...

um. so my ex as i’ve mentioned was abusive. and. yeah it’s not something i talk about a whole lot. i hate being ‘that woman’ even though. unfortunately many are. i um. I won’t detail. I remember....

March 19, 2018

5 yrs.

actually a little over. it’s been 5 yrs. since the first date i had w/ evan actually a little over. [and no this isn’t one of those ‘they ran off and got married’ stories.]. cause our first date ...

March 18, 2018


so i’m in debt. yeah i’m not proud of it. i’m not like. hugely in debt or anything. um. at the last house meeting i asked like. for more clarification on where does the extra money go? i only get...

at the risk of offending probably. a lot of people here....... So the other day we were talking and valerie told me one of her daughters goes to this christian school place. i don’t remember the ...

March 15, 2018


so today i. well i really didn’t do much of anything. actually i did my laundry. by which i mean one grocery bag. i thought the lady would be back by 2:40/3 which was why. i didn’t let the washin...

March 14, 2018


yesterday I um went to the store. well first I went to the bank and before that I took my trash out. at a park that’s by walgreen’s well actually it’s in between walgreen’s and the store the one ...

March 14, 2018


so yeah Mon. like I said I was at my mom’s. or maybe I didn’t, say. well anyway I was at my mom’s. so Valerie picked me up at 5. We went to Wendy’s to the store. it took us an hr. to get to wendy...

March 14, 2018

from the 4th - the 10th

on the 4th which was Sun. i. no no yes. ok so on the 4th which was sun. i did my laundry. on Mon. valerie i got together. we went to wendy’s then the store. on Tues. i went out. maybe i think. sa...

March 12, 2018

hi i'm back.

hi i’m back. [you’d left?]. yes um. so at the meeting on thurs. i discovered that apparently the lady her husband were coming back sun. yesterday as opposed to today. which is why i’m blogging ri...

March 08, 2018


so today. was wed still is. i um. i. i went to the store other then eating before i went out i was actually a lot more prepared then i had been. yesterday yay. i’d checked the weather shot a text...

um today. today was wed. er actually it still is. wed. so i. oh yeah i remember more of what happened yesterday. well apparently the lady had a class. well so i was up by 1:10 and she knocks on m...

March 07, 2018


um. yesterday was tues. what did i do yesterday? i did. stuff. [that’s helpful isn’t it.]. i um oh I went to the store. where i got. a luna bar, citrus vitaminwater which i didn’t end up liking a...

March 06, 2018

rest of yesterday.

yesterday i um. didn’t do my laundry. right cause well. the lady was out at the time she usually leaves and i wasn’t sure what time she’d get back so. i waited outside the house for v...

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