

by Babe In Toyland

Entries 205

Page 6 of 9

September 06, 2015


Sitting here listening to Rob play a medley of guitar intros in his room. I’m sure the neighbours are loving it. So far we’ve had Enter Sandman, Stairway to Heaven, Toxicity, Killing in the Name ...

August 23, 2015

Weird Week

It’s been a strange one, that’s for sure. I’ve got my second wig. It’s amazing. It’s exactly the same length and style my hair is now, only it’s in my natural hair colour. I am waiting for my glu...

August 17, 2015


Well, this is nice. Just John and I sat in the house. Rob is working, Bel is at my cousin’s dance class and Eleanor has gone to Laser Quest for a friend’s birthday. John is playing Skyrim, a rare...

August 10, 2015

And then the downer *Edit

I was dead happy with myself for deciding to shave my head. I mean, it’s been something I’ve been tempted to do on numerous occasions because sometimes I’m just so fed up with my hair. Don’t get ...

I am almost certainly going to shave my head for Macmillan. It’s a no brainer really, I’m just really scared! Pros: My hair is in terrible condition. It will be great to get it all cut off and to...

July 17, 2015

funny old days.

Yesterday and today have been slightly out of the ordinary. Yesterday at work, my cousin, Moira, came in with her daughter, Jodie, and grand daughter, Sophie. They walked straight over to our dis...

July 15, 2015

Hoe gaan dit met jou?

So I got my tattoo last week. It’s still scabby and ended up being bigger than first thought, so it’s not quite finished. The receptionist hadn’t booked me in for long enough so I’ve got the outl...

June 19, 2015

Better Stuff

Got the day off work to go get my tattoo in less than three weeks. That sneaked up on me! I want this tattoo to be one of a pair on my calves, but haven’t found one suitable for my other calf yet...

June 15, 2015

This week....

Dealing with Craig and his funeral. There’s been tears and laughter and boobs. Craig was well known for his topless selfies, the group have been honouring his memory (with his sister’s blessing) ...

June 09, 2015

oh fuck

Lindsey, the lady I spoke about in my previous entry, is in hospital after taking a massive overdose. I’ve asked her daughter to keep me in the loop. I’ve had a couple of texts from Lindsey, assu...

June 09, 2015

For the love of Foo

I’m well aware I haven’t properly updated for a while. My PC is being a dick and it’s a pain typing a whole entry on my Kindle. Last time I wrote, I was about to go and see Foo Fighters. I have t...

May 25, 2015

Exciting times!

So in less than 48 hours, I’ll be in Manchester waiting for the Foo Fighters to come on! I’m so excited! I was going to travel down on the coach on my own and meet up with some fellow Foo Fans fr...

May 08, 2015

Good times

My Foo Fighter ticket arrived day before yesterday! I was starting to panic because it was only three weeks to the concert, so I’ve been on cloud nine ever since. The plan has always been to go a...

April 30, 2015


I’ve just had a tuna steak for my lunch. I wanted to like it because that shit is expensive and I thought it was special or something. It’s not. Tastes exactly the same as the tinned stuff. But I...

April 22, 2015

I've been busy! ETA

These past few weeks have been hectic! Shellie has been here at Easter, I met up with a school friend I haven’t seen for 20 odd years, we’ve been to Keswick, Carlisle, I’ve been out with another ...

DO YOU LIVE IN A HOUSE OR AN APARTMENT? I live in a first floor flat, have lived here for 3.5 years. WOULD YOU SAY IT IS BIG OR SMALL? It’s about average. 3 bedrooms, garage, no outside space. ...

March 22, 2015


It’s Sunday and the sun is shining. Eleanor and I are watching cartoons, Bel has gone to visit her cousin’s family and the boys are still in bed. My dad is doing his annual 32 mile sponsored wal...

March 18, 2015


Have you ever noticed how people will constantly judge you, whether you’ve spoken to them or not? I like people watching, it can be interesting. But I’ve done experiments. We all have days when w...

March 04, 2015


I’m useless at updating here. I’m working most days, that’s going great. I’ve gained enough confidence there to make sure I’m always kept in the loop. Now I get the gossip, the bitchiness, the ni...

February 20, 2015

Harum scarum

Before I start, I know we have some mutual friends, but those of you who don’t know my sister probably won’t know that she got engaged on Valentine’s day, then got offered a new job on the Monday...

February 10, 2015


My stomach is still giving me grief. It’s cramping every time I am hungry, then cramping in gratitude when I eat. I started taking Buscopan on Angie’s advice, which helps a little bit. But my hea...

February 08, 2015

Sunday morning

I’m just getting over a horrendous stomach....thing. Thankfully no nausea or sickness was involved (I don’t cope well with vomiting). On Friday I went shopping in Next Town as we don’t really hav...

February 01, 2015


Today is a gorgeous sunny day. Cold, but there is no wind and the sky is blue. And what am I doing? Lying in bed, looking at the blue sky outside! Bel is at theatre group all day today. She’s rea...

January 30, 2015


Work continues to be ok, although in the past week or so, there seems to have been a lot of whispering and snideyness that I won’t be party to. I was there when it started. The managers are D and...

January 21, 2015

More diet

I realise that reading about people’s diets are boring, so don’t feel obliged to read or comment on this, it’s for my own benefit. I’ve been doing the Dukan now for two weeks and have lost 6lb ov...

Book Description

I’m new here. I followed some people from Open Diary.