Boo! in Hello.

  • April 30, 2015, 7:43 a.m.
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I’ve just had a tuna steak for my lunch. I wanted to like it because that shit is expensive and I thought it was special or something. It’s not. Tastes exactly the same as the tinned stuff. But I ate it because I was hungry and I’m not in the habit of wasting food.
I want to tell you how much I’m enjoying work, but I feel a bit crap doing that when my sister isn’t. So sorry, Shellie! I’ll kiss your face for real on Saturday and hope that will suffice!
It is going really well. I’ve been there five months now and I still have loads to learn. The shop has three distinct parts, the main shop sells gifts at the front and cookware at the back, next door there is a smaller shop that sells jewellery, Pandora, Thomas Sabo, Bearing etc (I’m learning the names!) Mostly I’m in gifts, but sometimes I’m needed in kitchen. There is SO MUCH STUFF in there, so many products and the staff who work in there have been there years and years so know their stuff. I don’t even know what some things are! A jar key? Spiralizer? Never heard of them until I started in there. Sometimes, when they’re really busy, I feel like I’m more of a hindrance than a help! So next week I’m going to get trained in knives and pans. Apparently there’s all sorts of technical stuff to know about, alloys, strengths…other things I can’t remember right now.
Laura, who started the same time as me and works with me in gifts, has handed in her notice. I think she prefers to work alone and had got a job cleaning holiday cottages. She really, really didn’t like being told what to do! I told Dawn, the manager, that although I knew I couldn’t do the work of two people, I’d be quite happy to take on more hours. Dawn kind of let slip that she thought that maybe she’d made a mistake taking on Laura, that I was great with customers, I was flexible and reliable and I fit in well with the team, while Laura was none of those things. That was really nice to hear! You know you’ve fit in when your colleagues feel comfortable enough with you to take the piss a bit....they’re really lovely. Yesterday morning, when I walked into the shop, Dawn looked at me and said “GASP!!!! SONJA!!!!” I said “What, what?” whilst rubbing my face and checking my clothes. She said “nothing, I just wanted to see how you reacted…” So yes, I’m getting on well with that.

I’m going to Bel’s parent’s evening later, best go have a shower!

Last updated April 30, 2015

Bomb Shell April 30, 2015

How much did you cook the tuna? You can eat it raw and, if you are cooking it, aren't supposed to cook it fully. I've had it raw in sushi before and it tastes different to the tinned stuff.

Don't be daft! Just because I've been forced to hand in my notice, doesn't mean I want the people I love to be miserable as well! At least one of us is enjoying work, I hope you get more hours if that's what you want, more lovely money for you! :o)

Babe In Toyland Bomb Shell ⋅ April 30, 2015

I cooked it yesterday till it was pink in the middle, didn't like it. Today I seasoned it a bit and cooked it right through, still didn't like it. Wish I'd kept it for sushi now! It would have been nice raw.

Deleted user April 30, 2015

I'm glad you are enjoying your job!

Etoile Filante May 01, 2015

I don't eat fish, hate it, but tuna is good raw or cooked!

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