Proper English Tea Party in Getting my feet wet. Jumping in

Revised: 02/07/2020 2:37 a.m.

  • Feb. 1, 2020, 6 a.m.
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  • Public

This afternoon we all gathered at Rogers just outside of Sedona for a “Proper English Tea”. He was insistent that we be on time so the tea would not get cold. Earlier in the day I had checked the GPS and it said it was a 15 minute drive. We allowed ourselves a 10 minute cushion. However, when we got in the car the estimated time was over 30 minutes due to who knows why. Lisa started saying “I can’t believe I’m early”. As we we’re following Siri’s direction, we realized we indeed were going to be early, by about 7 minutes.
There was a beautiful spread, 3 different teas, scones, cucumber sandwiches, lemon squares and assorted sweets. Everyone there read a poem they had written and I read my poem “Loving the Same Man”

Loving the same Man

It was always in God’s plan,
That we should both love the same man.
I saw him through diaper rash,
And you, when he was low on cash.
I sent him off to school
And made him wear a coat when he’d rather be cool.
I paid his first ticket for speeding,
But in your love he’s succeeding.

You were in my prayers years before I knew you,
Asking God for his angels to surround you,
Keeping you happy, healthy and strong,
To grow in wisdom and know right from wrong.
I prayed in your heart would be a song,
And PLEASE GOD, let us get along.

He then met you, a one-way track.
I knew in my heart he wouldn’t be back.
Years have passed and your both grown,
But I still claim him as my own.
As a mom, I’m sure you can relate,
For in a short time, yours will begin to date.

You can try but the clock won’t stand still.
It’s like pushing a river up the hill.
But when he looks at you and I see his smile,
I know it’s all been so worthwhile.
I’m so very glad you are my friend,
For you will be there when my story ends.
So in case you haven’t been able to tell,
I do love you and All is well.

This is one of my favorite poems I’ve written and was published in the first FOS anthology book. Several months ago, I read it to the poetry group at the local library, the people shredded it. They said it was too passé because it rhymed and it needed to be distilled. I read it to the people at the Tea Party to which I got wonderful feedback. I think I read this poem to them to help heal.
In the backyard there was a labyrinth. After the readings we all walked it but it was on loose gravel. I ended up not completing it because my ankle was getting sore, which was a little frustrating for me.
The temperature was beginning to drop as the sun was going down. We all went in and set by the fireplace. Bear, a gentle giant of a man played a native Americans flute. It was hauntingly beautiful.
As we were leaving, Roger gave me a copy of each book he published. This will add a few pounds to my suitcase, but I am so honored that he gave them to me.

Last updated February 07, 2020

noko February 07, 2020

High tea and poetry! Lovely. And the gift of books. Nice.

Etaine noko ⋅ February 08, 2020

Noko, yes it was lovely. I was so touched by the books. I ended up shipping the books home and some of other items to lighten my suitcase load. It will be here Monday.

Jinn February 11, 2020

I like that poem !
I have never been to an English tea !

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