1. ??? in Space Skeleton FROM SPACE

  • Dec. 15, 2019, 5:56 p.m.
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  • Public

Citizens of Earth! I have come for you! You will bow down before my might and worship at my altar! Prepare for imminent shitposting from the Skeleton King! Soon you will see my infinite power of useless drivel and utterly uninsteresting missives from the gnarled claw that you would call my “hand”. I’m so Goddamn tired I can’t even keep up this weird roleplaying exercise so I’ll just drop the act if you don’t mind. My name is Matt, I live in a flat, and I own six hats.

Maybe these entries will get better but I wouldn’t count on that if I were you.

Last updated December 19, 2019

Cranberry December 18, 2019

I can't wait. :D

Purple-Haired Prick Cranberry ⋅ December 19, 2019

Not one but two Goddamn errors in my very first entry, I must be losing my touch.

Good to see you made it over here, Cran. This place is alright, although, "I wouldn't be a member of any club that had me in it", and all that.

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