Fruit fly fuckery in Riverdale

  • March 10, 2014, 8:32 p.m.
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  • Public

Fucking fruit flies

So I have an infestation of fruit flies. I'm trying this apple cider vinegar trap but it's been three hours and they don't go near it. These things aren't dumb!

So I guess I just need to kill most by hand and talk to my landlord or something. My house is clean so I have no idea where they are comming from. Anyone have any suggestions? Other than the apple vinegar/wine/beer/rotten fruit trick?

So I didn't go to art today. I needed to do some shit here.

I went to the art gallery with my mom it was fun we spent a few hours there.

Nice to see her. She was gossiping about my sister.( who I haven't seen in a year or so) how she's moving out of her BFs place because he's verbally abusive towards her. Serves her right for being the same way. I don't feel that bad for her because she used to torment me viciously growing up until last year when I told her ass off. Since than I mistakenly decided to talk to her again but she didn't reply. It's better that way really. You know I did love my sister but she was just so god damn mean and cruel a lot of the time we fought a lot. Moody as fuck I couldn't take it. Plus she was never really there for me the way I tried to be there for her. So no real loss anyways. She always treated me second best anyways.

So it's just kind of nice to hear her life isn't as perfect as she tries to make it out to be.

I have my course tomm. Not too much more going on. A Fb of mine contacted me after two months which is good and bad. I like the security of having a guy casually in my life. I get lonely and it's nice to have a guy with relatively no stress and that can Hook me up with shit from time to time.

I also recently re added an old friend of mine. I don't know if it was a good idea really. But I mean our lives are so different lately that I don't think it'll be much if a problem as long as I don't give her as much presidence as before hopefully. I find it hard to cut ppl out of my life for long unless it's for something really bad than no problem. I wish I was better at moving on from people because most don't deserve the chances I give them a lot of the time than eventually it's back at square one.

softea March 10, 2014

fruit flies- Oh god I had this problem for over a month! My place was clean and we kept disinfecting everything, and they were still there. It turned out they were in the drains in both the kitchen and the bathroom! It was disgusting. It might be the case for you too if your place is clean. Using draino and pouring bleach down your drains might solve it. We had to bleach them nightly for a few days and we kept the plugs in them for a few days and they went away.

paradiseFOUND March 10, 2014

ACV is my sure way to get rid of them! Does it have dish soap in it and covered in cling wrap with fork holes popped in? I remember at kne point counting 25 flies at the bottom!

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