End of an Era/Workweek in These Foolish Things

  • July 27, 2019, 12:01 a.m.
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Easy E. is gone. I went to her lunch. I hugged her goodbye. Goldilocks cried, but I didn’t because I am a cold-hearted bitch, but you know what? I just didn’t have that kind of relationship with her. I don’t know why I’m writing so much about it. Perhaps it’s jealousy that I didn’t have that relationship? It’s just that she bent over backwards for Goldilocks and for me she was always like, “do it yourself” and she KNEW it. It was her JOB to support me and she hated doing it!

Ah well. She’s gone so I will worry about it no more.

Yet, there is drama swirling around Easy E’s replacement and the fact that Brown Nosey is forcing him to move his desk over to an area close to her office (not close to Goldilocks and me) because she wants to have control of him. But we’re working on Boss to change this.

Aaaaahhhh office drama.

And right now I have to run to another meeting. Presentation to execs!! See you in a few…

Tonight I will celebrate other things in life at one of the city’s coolest parties of the year! I am excited to attend this VIP party…


As in, much later. It’s Friday already! It’s the day after the party and the day after the drama from yesterday. Yet the drama continues.

OH. Remember the Great Poop Scandal of 2019? Well, we just got out of a Town Hall meeting at work where the EVP who had to call all the guys into that secret meeting gave the whole company an update on the state of our shitters! It was actually hilarious! He had a graph and everything…and the graph was BROWN! So effing funny. Maybe you had to be there? Regardless, hysterical.

Even Later

And now it’s time to end the workday. I wanted to write about the amazing party I went to last night and the naughty things I sent to Doc D today (at his request) via text and the other things I texted to the Rodeo Clown and my lunch date who canceled on me…

But time got away and I have a meeting with Jack this evening that I need to go home and get ready for. Jack is my friend who had a stroke in November and now we share this special bond and we’re trying to get together once a month to do stuff together. And tonight is the night!

So. More tomorrow, I’m sure!


Gangleri July 27, 2019

What was the Shitty Update? Have they pinpointed the guy?

Deleted user July 29, 2019

Wow, pooping in the halls is the ultimate insult :-0

plushcreep July 29, 2019

Maybe Easy E. knew you were so competent and independent she figured it would be an insult to help out? Ha, maybe a stretch - but you never know!

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