....He did this to himself.... in Daily, Weekly, etc

  • Feb. 22, 2014, 3:23 p.m.
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One of my good friends from high school maybe facing 30 years to life for possession of child pornography. Its so upsetting that he would put himself in this type of situation and that he could spend the rest of his life behind bars. =*( He is the last person you would expect something like this from, but you can never be too sure about someone.

He is on suicide watch because he said he is going to kill himself, at this point I can only imagine he would think that suicide would be the only way out of all this, and I can't say if he would do it or not. He isn't built for prison he is only 22 years old and very frail and still looks and acts like a kid. Which makes me doubt he would be able to hold his own and defend himself, he would be someones bitch in no time. (Not funny I know)

Its going to be really messed up when our close friend Ria has to testify against him. They are so close, almost like siblings and have known each other for 15 years now. Its really hard because she cannot lie, because she is going to be under oath and most of the porn was down loaded from her Ip address. This is going to crush her, and I know she is going to feel guilt and shame for the rest of her life.

Its just crazy that he just traveled all over the world, from France to Italy having the time of his life, only to have that very life cut short. Its like God's way of giving him his last moments in the sun before locking him away. But he made his bed and now he has to lie in it. He is facing such a extreme sentence because of the amount of porn he had on his computer and phone. Its so unbelievable and just crazy; we had so much fun during and after high school; its so upsetting that he did this to himself

Shattered February 22, 2014

You never can tell about some people.

Deleted user February 22, 2014

I wouldn't feel badly for him. I'd feel badly for the friend he used to get it.

Cat Mommy February 22, 2014

Similar to what I've been going through the last couple years. One of my childhood friends was recently convicted of possession of child pornography.

The forensic analyst who dealt with her computers said it was one of the biggest and eclectic collections of child porn as the ages ranged from infant to 14 years. Over the last ten years she saved 22,000 images, 30 hours worth of video, and 5000 text stories depicting child sexual abuse.

All that was collected from her computer alone. She didn't make any of it but it doesn't matter. It makes me sick. She was always a very strange girl but I never suspected anything like this. I'm still good friends with her younger sister and she can't about it so I don't know if she saw something I didn't.

That said... 30 years for possession? That seems pretty excessive unless it's not his first offence. My friend took a plea bargain on the same charge but I still think the most she could have received was five years in prison. With the plea deal she got three and half years.

I mean maybe it should be as excessive as your friend is getting but that sure bothers me that she got so little and your friend did the same and received a life sentence. That seems a bit unjust, don't you think?

The scariest part of the story with my friend was that she was an early childhood educator working at an elementary school at the time of her arrest. No one has come forward with allegations at this time but I have a lot of doubt that she's only watched the porn.

Not when surrounded by children every day. Anyway, just wanted to say I know how you feel and how shocking it is. We never really know what is in a person's mind.

*Lady*Lannae* Cat Mommy ⋅ February 22, 2014

Yea I was thinking 30 years to life is a bit much, I mean if that was the case why are there so many rapist and child molesters roaming the streets, however, that's' information that was given to me.

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