who is she? in it's complicated

  • March 20, 2019, 4:38 a.m.
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who would she be? what type of person would she be? Does it make sense to keep her background similar to mine or would that be too obvious and would make it more difficult to believe it is all a work of fiction. Hmm, or perhaps that is what makes it more important that it is someone like I am… but in specific ways.
potential important characteristics
- needs to have a certain level of desperation in order to even be considering another way, another path, another version of this life.
- intelligent and educated as well as needing a level a certain level of comfort and ease with technology. The mixing of new age and old school is an important storyline that should be seen throughout the story. Sharing of information - symbiotic relationship and depending on each other.
- she needs to have a level of feeling as though she is owed something from society and/or specific people; she should be jaded to a certain extent which allows for justifications of her actions.
- fighting an internal struggle that makes the story necessary or important in her life, ultimately choosing her to prioritize her bad behaviors over other important life objectives. These struggles should be anchored to an addiction that controls her life secretly. She enjoys risky behavior and takes opportunities when they are offered to her, another form of addiction.
- Having a certain level of autonomy to allow herself the opportunities to make these decisions and to allow for these situations to occur without having to worry about repercussions from the other part of her life. Being able to move undetected.
- However, she needs something that will keep her grounded to the other half of her life in which she is not acting like a criminal. The reason why she keeps these two lives divided is that she is trying to keep everything looking as normal as possible from an outsider perspective so that no one would suspect anything negative. Family, love, feeling grounded to that life
- Entirely too trusting - ultimately leading to mistakes that are irreparable and would cause everlasting damage to her family
- Softness and compassion towards those she is loyal to and has a ‘three strikes and you’re out’ (finally) with everyone else. While she will show her sharp edges to many those edges are often misguided or misdirected to others who may not be deserving of such treatment. Softness. Forgive. Softness. Forgive. Softness. Fuck you.
- She is single and independent and is not necessarily tied down to anyone other than her family in which she is close with. This allows her to move more easily without needing to have her whereabouts monitored in any way
- her loyalty is strong but is also limited to those in which she feels the most comfortable with when forming female relationships, as such, she has a single best friend whom she has created a strong bond with. Unsuspecting, this allows her to continue these behaviors unnoticed from even her closest friend as this would be atypical behavior for her

There has to be more. I’m trying to think of what I want this story to be and what she needs to be in order to make this story possible. Perhaps more things will come to light as I continue to figure this out and then I will edit this. Or something.

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