Going to the Joint Place in QUOTIDIEN

  • Feb. 16, 2014, 7:59 p.m.
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  • Public

Facing this shoulder thing head on, tomorrow. Insurance through union runs out end of this month, so here's to quick answers. Cortisone shot, maybe. Those are SO much fun!

Slinking off to bed. Beats freezing my arse off. And to think they promised us a 55F day. We might have made it into the upper 30s with windchill.

Nite, all.

NorthernSeeker February 16, 2014

I hope you get some effective therapy on your shoulder.

middle age pearl February 17, 2014

GypsyWynd February 17, 2014

Hope you get the answers you need.

Silent Echo/Quiet Storm February 17, 2014

sorry about the insurance. i hate it when the weathermen lie to us. i'm hoping they are right when they say we're gonna warm up for a few days after the snow tomorrow. take care,

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