No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed! in QUOTIDIEN

  • Feb. 17, 2014, 9:10 a.m.
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Shoulder Update, but first - let me just say how VERY much I love PPO insurance and specialists who are willing to see you without a referral. Like I need a GP to say, 'yup - you should probably have that seen by someone who knows what they're doing-but hey, thanks for your co-pay'.

Went straight to the guy who knew what he was doing. X-rays are a bitch, but they were needed. Aside from a little osteoarthritis ('not uncommon in people over 40'), everything looked fine. Because of the fluid spread of heat-turn-to-pain, my first thought was muscular. And, as it turns out, he believes it's rotator cuff impingement. Tendon crap. My movements aren't limited by anything like a tear. It is limited by pain.

"That's just a nice way of saying 'I reckon ya gotcherseff a case o' burr-sightis ', isn't it ?"

He grinned and rather than admit to it, he went on to describe what was happening with the whole bursa thing, the tendon thing, and the movement thing.

The cause? Likely pulling, pushing, rolling, lifting my patient. 'Or', he added, 'could be you slept on it wrong one night...but it's probably the patient thing.'

Cortisone shot in shoulder is WAAAAAY easier than in the heel. For now, the pain is increased to almost double. It is now persistent without movement. Then again, he introduced more fluid into a joint that is already swollen, so.....

With any luck, this one shot will be sufficient.

The Tranquil Loon February 17, 2014

no fun! hope you feel better soon!

Overachiever February 17, 2014

Did you try the long course of anti-inflammatories? At least a week, but two works better. You take Naproxen every 8 hours (round the clock). Advil/Tylenol works too, but that's every 4 hours, and more of a pain. It gives the inflammation a chance to die down and not come back. Of course not working it helps during this time too.

Pintador February 17, 2014

Burrr-sightis - that's what my mother said she had. Was that a made up name? I'ma hafta google it.

MJ's Page Pintador ⋅ February 17, 2014

Bursitis is real. Inflammation of the bursa. :)

MJ's Page February 17, 2014

Three months of Naproxen and Tylenol. Not much relief. Cursing - not much relief. Hoping this'll do it. Will continue Naproxen, though.

Not working isn't an option. She will simply have to be NOT transferred to her wheel-chair and me, hovering my arms over her, over the sink, to wash her hair. I don't get compensation for injuries incurred at Di's house, so she'll simply have to wait for the unnecessaries.

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