Bird hunting, job interview,getting ready to move mobile home in Misadventures of West Virginia Woman

  • Jan. 11, 2019, 10:09 a.m.
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Coal stole the decorator bird out of dads funeral peace lilly he has been carrying that bird around playing with it. I took it from him stuck it out of view for him to climb up in the window and steal it. The cardinal has been all over the house we have been playing a feline version of hide and seek. I had no idea Coal loved birds this much! I will need to find him a toy cardinal. When the time comes to move i might set up a bird bath and bird feeder outside in the yard. Since my cats live inside they can look but not touch!

I went to job interview for Aldi supermarket. I went in they told me i got to drive to Charleston and back for 2 1/2 months to take the job. So if i work an 8 hour shift i would drive 2.5 hours up and 2.5 hours back. I could pay to live in a hotel if i like for training but hotel price comes out of my own pocket. I felt sad i wasted the time coming. I walked to my truck thinking my older model vehicle couldn’t surivive all they extra driving. I left the interview defeated. Companies forget people are looking for a job to make money more than likely they dont have extra to throw around!

I am still on comp. I have a ct scan on my leg on the 16th to see if i have any injury that could prevent me from working. The doctor looks on the scan the 17th. Hopefully i will eventually go back to work. No money has come in because Talan got suspended for sleeping at work. He got a week off i been off since the 28th when i sprang my leg and got a hairline fracture. Money is tight in this house. I stay home for the most part.

All the paperwork been filed out for mobile home. We are waiting for approval on installing sewer water and putting up the peirs. It hasnt been moved but everything should be took care of by the 15th. Jessie gave it to me after it is set up i am driving over to moms to fix walls, floors and find someone to do a porch. I plan to live in my current mobile home at the trailer park until i am done making repairs on the free one. I had no idea when i started this process everything i needed to do to prepare to move it. No wonder why people rather buy mobile home and rent because moving one is a real pain in the ass! Talan and i will be living on the corner of moms lot. I hope no one complains about the move there. My main intention is being closer to mom.

My husband hasnt seen the free mobile home we will fix. He stays home plays video games and naps. His God the 50 inch tv dictates apparently what he can and cannot do! I asked him come see it with me. He said he rather it be a suprise. His lack of interest disturbs me but if i point it out he will cuss me. Never have i been so tempted to destroy this tv till recently. I obviously will be doing repairs by myself.. His God the 50 inch tv cannot motivate him to help me. I am motivated slap him with divorce papers find someone more driven like me!

I think i am going sign up at Habitat for Humanity to build houses in my spare time. I have been feeling useless lately. Maybe learning a new skill could improve my life? Lately i have been sleeping, crying over dad, obsessing over bills and scared i am going lose my job once i get off comp. It isnt a good combination! After comp is over i plan to find a job treats me better and hopefully better pay! Wish me luck with that!

With dads death, the free mobile home, getting ready to move i see this disaster as a growth opportunity. I have been studying how to do repairs. I am putting in job applications. Surely i can take these sucky circumstances and raise above. I cant allow life to keep kicking me down. I cried a while now it is time to raise above!

God i hate being poor. If i keep trying life must get better!

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