Problem 2: Underwhelming Wallflower in 99 Problems

  • Jan. 12, 2019, 10:48 p.m.
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You know how there is always that girl in teenage movies who sits on the sidelines and observes everyone else, but her life and story are actually interesting and people fall in love with her amazingness? Yeah.......that girl is definitely not me.
I am exactly how I look, fairly plain and shy.
I am the average height of 5‘4’ and the average weight of 145.
I come from a poor, middle-class family of multiple kids.
My favorite color to wear is gray.
My weekly hobbies include sleeping, contemplating the meaning of life, reading, an immense amount of organizing, and scrolling through social media platforms that I don’t have the balls to post on.
I stay in my room more than class and work combined.
I have two left feet. I cannot dance or sing.
The one thing I can do decently is art, but I have no motivation or life experience to come up with a decent project to do.
Overall, I am an average student with an average grade and an average personality.
I feel like I’m playing the beginning of Skyrim as a level one character, but I never advance or level up.
What do I want when I grow up?
I want happiness. I want a simple house in a calm environment with a predictable partner and a basic 9 to 5 job. Boring, right?

At the same time, I am only 20. I am in college but I am so inexperienced. I never party or drink here. I avoid socialization beyond work and class. As my aunt tells me, I’m a “late bloomer”. HA! Sounds like Bullshit. I’m just a plain jane.

dancingstrawberry January 12, 2019

Don't be concerned too much on what other people think is "cool", like dance or sing! And I bet you'll have more room to do what is cool to YOU! :)

Simply Complicated dancingstrawberry ⋅ January 13, 2019

Thank you. Being worried about the opinions of others has always been a downfall for me. I'm hoping to find a way to reduce my anxiety someday.

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