um. dental tooth thing. in 2018

  • Dec. 6, 2018, 6:49 a.m.
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so. i got some answers. i got one answer as to why dr. l my dentist wouldn’t prescribe antibiotics. bc apparently according to dr. iketa. the guy i saw um on mon. who is not a an endodontist though for some reason. i thought he was. sorry about that. he’s just a specific dentist. as opposed to a nonspecific dentist i suppose. no i mean. as opposed to a general dentist. his line of work is in a v. specific area still not sure which one. um anyway.
bc right. according to him. she thinks this is a systemic problem. Right ok. but she herself personally. didn’t tell me that. The only thing she told me was she wanted me to see my perio. as he has more experience then. she does. she [again my perio is a guy] told me. absolutely nothing. about why she wouldn’t prescribe anything.

so ok. i had to wait 3 wks. to find that out. lovely. [actually one of those wks. i was in london. and it was very nice. i barely thought about any of this.].

so um. for those who have my fb yall know this. um. i stopped taking the antibios thanksgiving. thank god. oh yeah. cause my mom got at dr. earp and then she called me. my mom that is. and did the symptom checklist thing. and being that i was feeling better. the dr. decided i didn’t need to. er that it was ok to stop taking them.
ya know it’s funny. people some of them. i mean i didn’t up untill recently. not even for ear infections] take antibios in order to feel better. but due to the side effects. the person might not feel that much better.
yeah at the cvs in target when we picked them up the 16th. i asked the nice hispanic pharmacist guy what the side effects were and he said there weren’t any. well i don’t know what the hell he’s talking about bc yes. there were.
oh yeah so. like the day before thanksgiving which was a wed. or that tues. well i’d finished up the antibios. Well but apparently. dr. earp hadn’t told, the pharmacist that i’d need more. yeah on the Sat. before that Tues. which was the...........18th. When the lady was pouring the liquid into the cup. she spilled a bit. and the only thing i asked after that had happened and i’d taken it. was ‘should we get more?’ and she’s ‘no that’s only. a tablespoon’. well ok if you say so..........i think we should’ve gotten more but I’m also not the type who’s going to be stupid enough to stand there and argue w/ someone about something like that. unlike a lot of people i will. take no for an answer. My point is. that’s when i noticed a change. and that’s when it clicked for me that we probably should get more. but as said. after she told me no i didn’t say anything more.
right yeah. I said in an entry from the ............?? that i’d noticed bleeding between, my teeth on Day 5. er on the 20th i mean. which yes was Day 5. i haven’t noticed that but then again. i also haven’t looked so.
right so. i don’t think that. the infection has come back. as i don’t feel like it is. I’m not in pain. which i can deal w/ pain. i didn’t realise how bad i felt physically. untill i got used to the antibios. not that i felt great on them, exactly. cause i didn’t. no but i’m so used to feeling bad. from like not having enough nutrients or w/e. that the concept of feeling good. is so foreign to me. it’d be a surprise if i actually felt good. no one has to say anything about it or apologise.
btw. the very slight bruise. i had from the blood draw. is now gone.
right like i said. Apparently in places other then the u.s. a person doesn’t need a pres. to get amoxicillin. and when I was thinking about it. in my entry from. whenever it was it’s like sure that’d be great. well not for me.........particularly if it’s in pill, form. cause in the past i have OD’d. thought not um. not on those. This is a reason I want and should have meds in liquid form. w/ pills i can just swallow those fukers in 3 days. i know this bc i have. in the past. the dr.s don’t i think know this bc i don’t want to be on suicide watch like i was back when i was 15. [i didn’t od at 15 btw. no me being on suicide watch. that was a result of my depression. but other then cutting nothing physical actually happened.]. but that said. it’s good that i know that about myself. that i shouldn’t be prescribed pills. even if someone else keeps them.
right so. If for some reason the abscess is still there. but it’s just dormant. it might need to be drained. or maybe not i have no idea. it hasn’t happened yet. no bc. see i think. somehow. but due to its correlation to cervical resorption. and i’ll ask my perio for more details on this. but anyway. i think. that it was on the outside of the gum but now it’s on the outside. maybe. i’m really not sure and please don’t tell me. and if that is in fact what happened. then. once it’s drained. then. all the bad stuff would have left. it would be on the outside of my body/mouth. but yeah like i said. my perio will know more.
dr. iketa. the guy i saw on mon. He thinks I should get a deep cleaning before, anything else happens. which will be performed by dr. nick/dr. lisa. ok.
oh yeah. i got the CBCT scan done mon. i’m ok w/ xrays. The machine sounded weird like a um. an underwater camera thing. the big machine dudes. that are used to explore the ocean. We had it done at dr. iketa’s actually. well i had it done. it’s at anschutz which is part of the un. of colorado. and then somehow on the computer. technology had turned it into a 3D scan..........image thing. that was cool to see and to look at.
well so. and this was my guess like. 3 wks. ago. We think. part of the problem might be. one of the screws i had put in during my surgery in college. is possibly colliding w/ one of my lower front teeth irritating it. yes. exactly. i know that might be a cause. heard and understood. but that’s not the only cause. like yeah i know. see i kindof figured that out way before i saw dr. iketa. no one had confirmed that’s a reason. and they still haven’t. but yeah. i’m aware. seems a bit redundant to have told me that when i’d already somewhat partially figured it out. but ok.
so. i’m going to ask dr. nick about the um. ramifications of getting the screw removed. If he is in fact going to do that. again. please don’t tell me the answer.
sSe. if that wasn’t the er a medium to highly. likely cause. then to remove the screw just for the hell of. getting it removed doesn’t/didn’t seem like a good enough reason to do so.
oh i looked it up. and the screws. are made of titanium not um. some other metal which is good as that way they won’t rust in there.
oh. so i have low vit. d as i found out the wk. before i left for london. that shouldn’t surprise anyone. That had been my guess for the last few yrs. like i have depression. Though. low vit. d isn’t caused by depression. No i know. so now. i’ve been taking it wkly for. well about 2 wks. now. at my mom’s she’s the one who has it. in pill form. no but thing is. vit. d helps w/.........w/ bone formation. Right people get vit. d from milk. but i don’t drink milk a whole lot. it’s boring i don’t like it. and even if i drank choc. milk. it’s the anxiety thing. although........i looked it up. and that has more vit. d in it then. the other kindof milk. so.
My calcium levels are good. which. was another reason I was hesitant about drinking milk. bc for some scientific reason. if a person’s calcium levels aren’t. good then. the calcium from milk won’t help. but mine are so.
i’m to take the vit. d for 10 more wks. and then dr. earp will test it via a blood test.
oh yeah so i have low vit. c. yeah of course i do i don’t eat enough fruit. bc again of anxiety. i actually evidently have scurvy. yes that’s right. the sailor’s thing. which is interesting bc. i have a condition that people got. like 200 or so yrs. ago. like most people in modern day america [scuse me north, america as there are 3] well a lot of them. don’t have it. right bc their eating habits/food intake. is/are good. and mine well aren’t. yeah but i knew that. so. vit. c will help, w/ that. will help it go away. and it’s also interesting bc. i’ve only had 2 of the symptoms that something else isn’t the reason for. like nauseau. well that’s not bc of the sailor’s thing. that’s due to my period/the antibios/injections from the flu shot/anasteshia.
i was thinking about it and i’m like. well of course sailors got it. fruit trees don’t grow in the ocean! what the fruit from the nonexistant fruit trees? yes cause that’s exactly what happened. they ate from nonexistant fruit trees. [no i’m kidding.]. um no but the reason they’re called ‘limeys’. and i just recently learned this. is cause they’d bring lime juice, with them on. on their journeys.
oh right. so i’m taking a vit. c pill every day now. well i figured out i would be i just wasn’t sure how often, per day.
so. although i haven’t actually looked at the results online yet. as my mom has the password for the site. actually..........i told her that was ok. she, dr. earp and probably myself soon. are the only ones who will. um. but yeah. i’m guessing........i probably don’t have anemia. but that’s really weird. not cause i don’t eat meat although. i don’t. no but bc. A symptom of anemima is being cold. is getting winded easily. i don’t crave salt though and that’s another symptom. i like salt. like a lot. but i don’t crave it. there’s a difference.
i’ve gained weight. i’ve gained like 10 lbs. since the 12th. when i was 11*. what i’m saying is. Women who are smaller and don’t weight that much. get cold easier then those who don’t. Right bc there’s a not a lot to them physically. i mean i’m thin but i’m not. as thin as i used to be.
i’m pretty sure i have bad circulation. unless i’m wrong about that too. since apparently i was wrong about me having anemia. this thing anemia that i was absolutely sure i had. even though. i’d never been diagnosed w/ it. only to find out. no. for some reason i’m not ok w/ being wrong about that. it’s like i’ve been challenged in some way. which apparently i don’t like. i’m finding out.
um anyway. so the reason. i’m pretty sure i have bad circulation besides the um. being cold thing. is that my nail beds are purple. they’ve been purple for the last 2, 3 yrs. it doesn’t bother me too much. no one’s mentioned it which i’m glad of. i’m kindof used to it by now actually. like ok. however the rest of me my skin and all that. is the color it should be. which is pale. actually that’s not a color. it’s a variation. i think.
oh yeah so. aside from my fillings back in um sept. i haven’t had any other dental procedures done. as of yet. but they’re coming.

oh yeah so i have gum, recession. not like it’s a secret i’ve known about this for awhile. in one of my front teeth.
I’m not proud of it but here we are.
My point is. I think...........prior to nov. 16th which was when I got the antibiotics. That area looked green which is a sign of infection. But now it doesn’t. However that said. The gum recession is, obviously, a problem.

dr. I mentioned something about external resorption.......... i’m unclear, whether that was a diagnose or not. And he said something about PTC or PHT or something. My mom has notes. on that i’ma ask her, later today actually.

oh yeah so [sorry i know this is long] i have a v. possible bone, g raft coming up. i’m not sure when. well i read up a bit on how that’s done. [teeth sorry. i failed to mention that untill now. as teeth are made of bone]. well it’ll be done at dr. nick’s. probably. good bc when it comes to dental work i trust him. i don’t want that to be done by someone i’ve just met know what i’m saying? they’re going to numb me [well i certainly hope so] and then. affix the grafting material, to the bone. i’m not too worried about this or the um. deep clean. [well. i’m not. not worried about them] it’s more the anxiety. the buildup to either/both. um procedure........things. evidently. there are different types, of bone grafting.
i’ve had a grafting procedure done before. back in 2004/2005. i was 17. done by a woman.

oh yeah so i am going in. for another CBCT scan at some point for them to scan my upper, teeth. as that lady...........dr. l there we go. ‘that lady’. sorry. um she thinks there’s a problem on tooth #6. for those who don’t speak dental. that is a canine on the right. in the anterior region. anterior btw means ‘near the front’. oh so that makes sense. yes canine just like the dog. a canine tooth. i think it comes from the latin word ‘canis’ which. means ‘dog’. oh.......... those teeth are also known as cuspids, fangs or eye teeth. ‘eye teeth’ there’s a weird couple of words.
ok so............throughout time. they’ve been adapted. in order to tear into food. and apparently. the human canine tooth has an oversized root left over from..........the large canines - teeth not dogs - of nonprimate humans. er nonhuman primates i mean. apes for example. so basically. it’s bc of evolution. that this happened.
that info. is all from:

oh so cuspid means a tooth w/ a single point. ok.
i’m almost done here.

ok so onto. requiem-ing. yes that’s right. for those who know the reference.
Worst Case Scenario. or WCS as i call it. so the tooth i mentioned. not #6 the canine but the other one. it’s either 24, 25 or 26. they’re ones in the lower front btw. and i only know this bc i looked it up. that. might have to be um. ‘requeiem-ed’, as it were. but jusut that one tooth. it’s where the gum recession is..........where the bone graft will so yeah. it depends on the prognosis really.

oh. and. while i’m talking about my various medical problems. [scurvy btw is a condition. not a disease.]. i have something called periodontitis. i just found this out last night when i was looking at the pres. note from dr. iketa. he’s prescribed this certain mouthwash called um. chlorhexidine. it’s said to well. it’s a germicidel mouthwash meaning. it kills germs. right ok. it’ll also. reduce the amount of bacteria.
right ok. getting back to the um. periodontitis. well ‘itis’ btw. actually. it’s basically a chronic infection. so another infection. it’s a more serious form of. periodontal disease ok. oh wow.

i’m actually amazed i’m still alive. considering the amount of crap i’ve put my body though through. let’s see here.........i drink. like a lot actually. um i have an undiagnosed eating disorder. i had an abscess but that’s gotten better. teeth. i have bone loss. my food intake isn’t great. i. oh i don’t smoke cigs or have cancer. i have scurvy. and i’m low on vit. d.
i have. um. cervical resorption which btw is a disease.
an abscess is an infection btw. i think. a bacterial infection. which. is why i was prescribed and took amoxicilan and that other one. so that’s cleared up.
the vit. c should help w/ the scurvy. though.
and. the vit. d should and probably will. help w/ the bone. thing. so i guess just waiting really. again.

see the problem is my anxiety. as i’ve mentioned. at least as of late. when i brush my teeth. it tickles and i hate. being tickled i will panic. it’s not fun. it’s terrifying and i kindof want to hit someone. actually.
it tickles on my upper lip. so.............i have tissues in my closet. now. which. i will put in the area where. it tickles. in order to stop. the tickling.

well what’s the problem w/ having tissues? no in and of itself. there’s no problem. people all over the world have tissues. for various reasons.
no it’s that. i can’t be absolutely sure. if i have a large amount of tissues. the lady won’t say anything about it. and i can’t have that.
so. today later today. I’m uh. going to talk to my mom about getting more pokey things. they’re these little dudes that look like tiny xmas trees. they’re for cleaning in between teeth. No not flossers cause i have those. xmas tree looking things. actually i have some. that i could bring back from my mom’s. but the handle the design has holes in it. as opposed to it being a closed handle. and i hate holes they really freak me out. they’re repulsive and creepy. evidently it’s some kindof disorder. which i’d look up but then i’d. see pictures of. holes and that wouldn’t help. oh god.......which is why. i want these other kindof pokey things. that don’t have an open handle.
see if i don’t have the physical means/items to do something. then that, you know. makes it impossible for me to do that thing. so like. i didn’t have tissues untill recently. [well i did but not a large amount.]. or. i don’t have the kindof pokey things i want.
so that and my anxiety are the reasons i didn’t do this.
anxiety is such a bitch.

i read that w/ anorexia. [yes like i said. undiagnosed eating disorder] that the bones are the first to go. but see. untill one breaks. a person won’t feel that. like they won’t physically feel that. it’s weird. i know i have bone loss bc of the dental x rays. and from being told.

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