so in other happenings: cold, olympics, mom's hat, ED, taxes, bath & bodyworks, funnel, cecilia. in The Wonderland Years: 2014. Done.

  • Feb. 11, 2014, 1:20 a.m.
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it's been cold here [CO]. a lot. holy balls. like in the 20's/below freezing. I don't remember it ever being this cold. since i'm all hypervigilant about stay/keeping warm I've not gone out when it's that cold. I mean yeah I wear a slip, cardigan [it's thin], fleece [which I don't like since it's too short. I want to get a longer one. I don't like shirts that are intentionally too short. yeah no] a sweater, my REI/landsend/eddie bauer coat [actually it's my mom's but I've had it for 13 yrs, so. the lining's wool] my winter coat, pajama pants, cords, snowbootsm scarf, hat and gloves.................................

i'm still not goin oout. when it's that damn cold. actually it's more that it's not been sunny. and so I've been sleeping a lot. well I mean I get up and my room's cold even though I don't have a radiator but I don't have like. surround heat since my parents decided that'd be too complicated [also. having them install surround heat would mean having them 'take care of me' and whenever they do that it makes me feel like i'm 5. so no]. um so. oh right uhm........................................ -

so after I wake up and it's cold then I get back under my 3 covers and sleep. and then i'm warmer. yay. I like that plan.

but fuk no. I am not getting hypothermic. oh god no. the last time I was at that poin was back in dec. and then before that May. which I wrote about in another entry, so. like I said hypervigilant.

another thing that adds to me being cold is I've lost a bit of weight [oh i'm anorexic btw], so. yeah. although there aren't more cuts on me. well there aren't less either. [a symptom of anorexia]. um the other week actually it was last sat. I fell and got 3 bruises. which went away in a week. good thing otherwise it's another ssymptom. my skin's gotten drier. [this was meant to go in my drunkorexia entry].

since i'm moving soon my mom hasn't said anything about my sleeping during the day. well um it's not like. un,healthy it's just sometimes an inconvenience for people.

ok more later. it's 5:20 and i'ma get under my covers before the morning cold sets in.


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