survey. thing. in The Wonderland Years: 2014. Done.

  • Feb. 10, 2014, 6:28 a.m.
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  • Public

What is you middle name? Beman

How old are you? 26

When is your birthday? Aug. 17th

What is your zodiac sign? Leo could've been a Virgo was born 2 wks. early.

What is your favorite color? purple. and yellow.

What's your lucky number? um well I like 12 a lot. and I have this thing w/ even #s. oh and then there's the #s thing. so ok I like numerology. and I add up all the #'s in like, the minute to make 1 #. I've always done that. i.e. 9:46 is 1. since 4 + 6 = 10 + 9 = 19 and 1+ 9 is 10 and 1+0 is .1.

Do you have any pets? no Where are you from? uh. CO How tall are you? 5'4 What shoe size do you wear? you're a shoe. [it's something my ex used to say]. uh..............8. [my ex thought I wore a 5, 6].

How many pairs of shoes do you own? um..............oh 4. What was your last dream about? um. like giant orange rock dudes. and people. What talents do you have? um.........singing, writing, .............................dancing. Are you psychic in any way? ...................... Favorite song? just 1? Favorite movie? see above. Who would be your ideal partner? what like a celeb? Johnny Depp. no, kidding. uh I..........don't know. nothing against mr. depp. Do you want children? want them or want to have them? oh wait. Do you want a church wedding? uh..........yeah Are you religious? no Have you ever been to the hospital? not. for like an emergency type.thing. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? i'm sorry, got, in trouble? Have you ever met any celebrities? yes Baths or showers? baths. always. showers bore the hell out of me. What color socks are you wearing? uh. pink and 'darker' pink. w/ floweries on them awww. Have you ever been famous? uh well i'm well-known. What type of music do you like? most of it Have you ever been skinny dipping? no How many pillows do you sleep with? None, but I sleep on 2. What position do you usually sleep in? my side What do you typically have for breakfast? I don't Have you ever fired a gun? a.............? ohhhhhhh! sry I thought you meant sexually. you know, like happiness is a warm gun and all that. and a 'gun' is the guy's. yeah that. oh and no?

Have you ever tried archery? Yes, and found archery to be guilty, and sentenced it for/to life! <ha that's="" funny.="" you="" either="" do="" or="" you="" don't.="" there's="" not="" a="" 'try'="" involved.="" it's="" like="" when="" people="" go="" "well="" i'll="" try="" to="" call="" you="" back"="" ok="" it's="" not="" that="" bloody="" difficult.="" or.="" well="" you="" can="" try.="" favorite="" clean="" word?="" ....................="" favorite="" swear="" word?="" erm.="" ok="" fuk.="" [no="" i="" don't="" mean="" the="" action]="" what's="" the="" longest="" you've="" ever="" gone="" without="" sleep?="" oh="" god.="" like.="" oh="" wait="" 2="" days.="" holy="" hell.="" do="" you="" have="" any="" scars?="" yeah="" have="" you="" ever="" had="" a="" secret="" admirer?="" yes,="" but="" she="" was="" so="" good="" that="" i="" never="" found="" out="" about="" her.="" &lt;="" funny.="" are="" you="" a="" good="" liar?="" what's="" your="" definition="" of="" 'lying'?="" no="" cause="" it="" could="" be="" different="" from="" than="" mine="" which="" is="" why="" i'm="" asking.="" i'm="" not="" being="" vague="" here.="" are="" you="" a="" good="" judge="" of="" character?="" i="" don't="" know="" what="" that="" means="" can="" you="" do="" any="" other="" accents="" other="" than="" your="" own?="" let's="" not="" do="" you="" have="" a="" strong="" accent?="" no="" what="" is="" your="" favorite="" accent?="" just="" 1?="" what="" is="" your="" personality?="" i'm="" a="" nice="" lady.="" usually.="" what="" is="" your="" most="" expensive="" piece="" of="" clothing?="" um="""" winter="" coat.="" god="" i="" love="" that="" thing.="" can="" you="" curl="" your="" tongue?="" erm="" you="" mean="" can="" i="" roll,="" my="" tongue?="" and="" yes.="" are="" you="" an="" innie="" or="" an="" outie?="" in="" reference="" to="" what,="" exactly?="" left="" or="" right="" handed?="" right="" are="" you="" scared="" of="" spiders?="" no="" favorite="" food?="" i="" like="" mangos.="" a="" lot.="" and="" breakfast="" food.="" and="" crepes.="" but="" i="" don't="" like="" pancakes="" they're="" ewy.="" oh="" and="" i="" like="" uh........the...........the="" things!="" yeah="" you="" know.="" [no="" i'm="" sorry="" i="" really="" don't].="" oh="" sausages.="" yes="" those.="" and="" eggs.="""" pink...........shrimp.="" oh="" and="" i="" like="" eggs="" a="" lot="" too.="" and="" i="" really="" like="" corn.="" favorite="" foreign="" food?="" um="" are="" you="" a="" clean="" or="" messy="" person?="" well="" i'm="" organized.="" i="" don't="" like="" the="" word="" 'messy'="" most="" used="" phrased?="" the="" thing.="" the="" thingy.="" the="" dude.="" most="" used="" word?="" um.="" how="" long="" does="" it="" take="" for="" you="" to="" get="" ready?="" like="" 10="" mins.="" do="" you="" have="" much="" of="" an="" ego?="" no?="" do="" you="" suck="" or="" bite="" lollipops?="" neither="" do="" you="" talk="" to="" yourself?="" yes="" do="" you="" sing="" to="" yourself?="" no="" are="" you="" a="" good="" singer?="" yes="" biggest="" fear?="" like="" do="" i="" have="" 1="" or="" what="" is="" it?="" are="" you="" a="" gossip?="" no="" best="" dramatic="" movie="" you've="" seen?="" um..........................="" do="" you="" like="" long="" or="" short="" hair?="" um="" favorite="" school="" subject?="" i="" liked="" english="" extrovert="" or="" introvert?="" introvert="" have="" you="" ever="" been="" scuba="" diving?="" no="" what="" makes="" you="" nervous?="" not="" much="" do="" you="" correct="" people="" when="" they="" make="" mistakes?="" no="" not="" usually="" are="" you="" ticklish?="" yeah="" have="" you="" ever="" started="" a="" rumor?="" no="" have="" you="" ever="" been="" in="" a="" position="" of="" authority?="" no="" i="" wouldn't="" be="" good="" at="" it.="" have="" you="" ever="" done="" drugs?="" you're="" funny.="" who="" was="" your="" first="" real="" crush?="" uh..................="" like="" as="" opposed="" to="" what="" a="" fake="" one?="" how="" many="" piercings="" do="" you="" have?="" no.="" er="" i="" mean="" i="" don't="" have="" any="" can="" you="" roll="" your="" rs?="" is="" that="" a="" new="" name="" for="" a="" joint?="" and="" no="" how="" fast="" can="" you="" type?="" no.="" er="" i="" mean="" i="" don't="" want="" to="" answer="" this.="" how="" fast="" can="" you="" run?="" i="" don't="" know="" what="" color="" is="" your="" hair?="" um.="" light="" brown="" what="" color="" are="" your="" eyes?="" um.="" green.="" what="" are="" you="" allergic="" to?="" cats.="" do="" you="" keep="" a="" journal?="" i="" don't="" like="" that="" word="" what="" do="" your="" parents="" do?="" for="" work="" or="" in="" general?="" do="" you="" like="" your="" age?="" it's="" ok="" i="" mean="" i="" don't.="" not="" like="" it.="" what="" makes="" you="" angry?="" well="" breaking="" my="" fukin="" confidentiality.="" um.="" betraying="" me.="" do="" you="" like="" your="" own="" name?="" yeah="" what="" are="" your="" strengths?="" um="" what="" are="" your="" weaknesses?="" um="" how="" did="" you="" get="" your="" name?="" ........................="" were="" your="" ancestors="" royalty?="" yes="" actually.="" i've="" looked="" it="" up.="" color="" of="" your="" room?="" um.="" blue="" and="" then="" red="" [the="" carpet's="" blue="" and="" then="" the="" smaller="" carpets="" on="" top="" are="" red]="" um.="" brick="" [i="" don't="" like="" bricks.="" oh="" god.="" a="" wall's="" brick]="" and="" then="" brown="" and="" white="" [the="" other="" walls]<="" p="">

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