Week 3 in Everyday Musings of a Very Tired Mama

  • Aug. 27, 2018, 9:12 p.m.
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So its been almost a week since I last wrote. Let me recall, if I can, what’s been happening.
Pickle has homework now. Every night. He is in Kindergarten. Being that he is in a fundamental school, everything is super structured and specific and you get what they call infractions for a number of things that are super nitpicky, but I’m not complaining. Yet.
Thursday was our first required parent meeting. We have one every month and you HAVE to be there or else-yep, you guessed it, infraction. This one was in the specific classroom so the teacher could go over curriculum. I signed up to volunteer with stuff–stuff I am not yet familiar with.
Nothing super miraculous happened last week. Declan finally went back to school Thursday. I have continued my sickness and today was the first day I could tell that I am over the worst of it. Sunday I missed almost the whole church service because I was stuck on the toilet. I learned that the lights go off automatically if you are sitting on the toilet not moving for more than 15 minutes. The church service is not piped into the bathroom but I could hear the final song. It’s a song we do at the end of every church service. I love it and often get it stuck in my head during my daily life. Picture me (or don’t) on the toilet in the dark, getting my groove on.
This week has been fine so far, but it is only Monday. The Baby Jail is set to arrive tomorrow evening and it cannot come soon enough. BooBoo is on the move and she gravitates to all the exact spots that she shouldn’t. And she eats stuff off the floor. I swear we feed her!
I got a lot of chore-type things done today (as well as saving a lizard’s life–damn cats)–felt super good. By the end of last week, the house was straight up destroyed. Tomorrow will consist of cleaning the cat boxes and continuing organizing various rooms and closets in the house. Hopefully my motivation from today will spill into tomorrow.
Speaking of cats, we had to euthanize one of ours Friday. In January, one of my co-workers was murdered by her brother. I took her three cats, who were her life. Another co-worker ended up adopting the younger one. The other two were super old and so we decided to keep them. I am in touch with co-workers mom–she has paid all the vet bills and recently sent me $100 gift card to PF Chang. I cannot imagine what it would be like to lose both of your children. Anyway, the one has had a lot of health problems and it was just time. The other one is still doing really well and has come out of her shell in the recent months.
Now we are down to 5 cats, our 3-legged Greyhound, 3 fish (I just checked to make sure we still had 3) and two snails. Add a partridge in a pear tree and we could charge admission.
I’m out.

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