Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes in Everyday Musings of a Very Tired Mama

  • July 28, 2018, 4:21 p.m.
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OMG so much has changed since I wrote last! We made the decision for me to quit my job. I will get a part time job and if I can bring in at least $100 extra per week, we should be okay.
I put my notice in a week ago and my last day will be August 9th. On the 10th, Pickle and I go back to the pre-K assessment team to get the results of all the testing they’ve done on him. The behaviorist observed him at school once and the speech pathologist went out twice. He will definitely have an IEP for speech. Also on the 10th, we meet his teacher, Mrs R. We finally got a letter from her and a school supply list. Holy Moly there’s a lot on that list! As soon as I found out who his teacher was, I of course had to google her. I cannot unsee the fact that she’s a registered Republican, but I am determined to be open-minded. :) But still, as soon as I saw the elephant, I was like, ehhhh..... Of course, not all Republicans are Trump supporters. But if you are, that’s a different story altogether and I would be concerned for your mental health.
School starts on the 13th! Pickle’s school is .6 miles from our house and since Babe will have the car most of the time, BooBoo and I will be able to walk him too and from school. I think things are going to be so much less stressful. I might take the car once a week and get out with BooBoo to some sort of activity or park. There are some weekly activities at libraries and such but they aren’t super close. On that day I would have to drive Pickle to school and take Babe to work, but I think it would be okay.
Yesterday was BooBoos last day at her daycare. M was crying by the time I got there. She doesn’t want to close the daycare, I don’t think. She has to go back to Albania for a month. I don’t know if she needs medical treatment or something. I get the feeling she’s not just going for a vacation.
So glad I found the time to write. So much is going on right now. I am excited to prepare for this next adventure!

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