that's all folks in 2018

  • March 27, 2018, 12:43 p.m.
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I guess instead of coming in here to continue telling stories that I failed to mention yesterday, I’ll go ahead and do the post where I say this sucks.

I can’t think of anywhere else to go and I haven’t seen any good suggestions so far. Definitely not going back to OD. I honestly didn’t think I would have to ever consider going anywhere else. Everything seemed to be running smoothly so it seems totally out of left field that this guy would up and quit. I don’t know. I guess it doesn’t matter now.

I’ll have to leave myself a note to get online at home to download everything. I exported this book not long ago [I might not have considered leaving but I’ve also learned my lesson] but for some reason if I try to click through the email it won’t open. So I’ll have to triple check everything gets on to my computer at home. And to think I was just getting started on here. Finally coming into my own and learning about myself little by little. It was nice to feel like I was finally figuring things out and I couldn’t wait to update on how it all turns out.

In case I don’t hear of any good suggestions in the next week or so [got any?!] I probably won’t post any more. Maybe a folder on my google drive? I can pretend strangers read it. hah.

I’m bummed. I followed some of you over from OD and the rest I’ve found here but it’s been years I’ve been reading and I am going to miss everyone. Even if you’re all still virtual strangers I feel like I’ve been a part of your lives in some weird internet way. I think it hurts more to realize I won’t be able to read than to lose my place to write.

It’ll never be the same.


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