Sticking around in 2018

Revised: 03/31/2018 2:07 p.m.

  • March 30, 2018, 2 a.m.
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Well it’s nice to know this place isn’t going to implode after all. I’m glad I didn’t mad scramble to find somewhere else. I mean, I pretty much knew I wasn’t going to start over and I definitely was not going to go back to OD. Honestly, I didn’t have the brainspace to deal with the possibility of having no where to write in the future. My plan was to ride it out and let it all hit me when it disappeared. I’d grieve when I had more time.

Work was pretty crazy this afternoon. Not too many people, but a lot of phone calls and running around. I made a bank run, then a run to the house, then another one to the post office because our mailman called to say he had a package. I was on the phone at the time [with the Sheriff!!] and so when I hung up mom said something about meeting him at the back door. We realized he meant the back door to the post office because it was closed so off I ran again to pick it up. She apparently volunteered me because she couldn’t go so yay.

I won’t complain about things now though. I’m in an excellent mood =]

Last updated March 31, 2018

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