"I was framed three times ok!" in A new beginning

  • Feb. 7, 2014, 1:37 p.m.
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Sooo after like 5 attempts I deleted my diary. Since it's officially going to be gone at midnight tonight I figured it was time. Out with the old, in with the new.

Lithium manager at it again with her craziness. She took an MA aside today and told her that people were complaining about her and another MA being negative in regards to this stupid new thing she came up with for them and their surgeon. FYI whenever anyone makes suggestions or questions anything she automatically says they are being negative. It's her way or the highway. So now I am being punished because she is having the girl that sits next to me be their back up with intake and she is going to sit next to me ALL day and do her job. She is the one that said she was gong to be with them for 6-8 weeks helping them out with this new process. She has no clue how to do our jobs and f*cks everything up all the time. She couldn't even handle doing the coumadins and screwed that up last time. So I will be sitting in between her and the other girl that I work with whom is obnoxiously loud to the point where I've had patients tell me they don't know how I do it every day sitting next to her because they would have killed themselves by now. Literally a direct quote from more than one patient. Anyone own a shot gun?

Speaking of crazies. This dude that is a huge douchebag was set up for surgery for today. Actually he was supposed to have it last thursday but never came in for an EKG so I had to cancel it. He gave me a hard time from the start as well as the people down in PAT at the hospital and told them he would NOT be fasting and would be drinking coffee day of surgery. I had mentioned this to my surgeon and she was like "Oh yeah that doesn't surprise me. He showed up wasted the last time I did his surgery...you don't remember that?" Yeah..can't say I did. So she calls me this afternoon from the hospital and was like "So "D" showed up an hour late today and had coffee with creamer. Can we just put a note in the system that I am NEVER EVER EVER doing surgery on him again?" I said "Well at least he didn't show up wasted this time. That is an improvement". She was like "Yeah I guess so." Like an hour later I get a call from day surgery. "Yeah so we have "D" here and Dr. blah blah prescribed him percocet and he says that he is allergic to anything with tylenol in it and is usually given just straight up oxycodone and he is willing to stop by the office to pick up the script. Oh yeah I'm sure he is. Funny how he told us he has NO allergies. Whenever someone tells you they are allergic to tylenol and can only take oxycodone you know what's up. Definitely knew this was going to happen. So when she got back from the hospital I told her and she was like "He is such a freak! I am done with him. This is it! He is so manipulative." She ended up giving him the script because it's not like you can prove he's lying.

We kept having people cancel for surgery in our surgery center for tomorrow and had a hard time filling the time. She literally booked 12 surgeries on Monday and 6 on Tuesday and asked what happened to all of those ones. The girl that took over the surgery center bookings said some might still be in billing and others didn't want tomorrow. She offered to break one of my wrists to fill the time for tomorrow. I was like "That's fine I've been wanting some time off anyway". My surgeon goes "Uh I don't think so you can still work with your left hand!" I was like "Oh by the way I'm allergic to tylenol ok" She goes "You get nothing!! I don't need you being all foggy". haha.

I feel bad for the occupational therapist. This patient she saw today who I have had lots of direct contact with had a bed bug crawling down his arm. Needless to say we all felt very itchy the rest of the afternoon. Still not as bad as the pervert that came through the other day. He made such a fuss in the waiting room they had to take him in early. I guess when he was checking in he admitted to taking pain pills and driving 90 mph to get here. The receptionist told him if he didn't stop that he was going to wind up in jail and he said "I don't think so! I'm not goin back to jail! Already had 3 women frame me!!" As he was being taken back to a room he is shouting at the girl taking him back asking her if it's okay for him to drive while taking pain pills. She told him no it was not safe and he was like 'WHY NOT???" Then he turns to me and asks me the same thing and I told him no. So they sent in a male MA to do his intake and he kept asking him if he should take his shirt off and he told him no. Then when he went to his other appt for his knee he asked the female MA if she wanted him to take off his pants. There was a moment when he was in xray waiting and one of the female MAs just happened to be walking by and he goes "Hey! You know what I got at home?? I got me a real long skeleton and it is hung up by his neck and you know what he does? He just hangs there! ha" Yeah...little bit of a psychopath. Apparently he's on the sex offender registry. But he was framed several times okay.

Never a dull moment at the office.

NeonLady February 07, 2014

Hahaha! I love all your stories!

Princess Pitbull.com February 09, 2014

Man have I missed you!! You make my workplace seem normal and I work in Wal*Mart!!

RYN - Yeah he gets SUPER angry when I ignore the behaviour, so I just put him to bed, which seems to work with all his tantrums, he got up this morning and couldn't eat his breakfast fast enough!! How did we get difficult kids? Oh yeah....I remember :P damn karma!!

Katie Kizzle Princess Pitbull.com ⋅ February 09, 2014

haha I'd love to hear your walmart stories! Our kids are insane. I wonder if it's because they were born in september? Think I can blame it on that instead of genetics?

QueenOfBritton February 10, 2014

Oh my. At least he said skeleton. I thought he was gonna say dildo or something!

Princess Pitbull.com February 10, 2014

RYN:: Definitely a September thing....because our genetics are....cough :)

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