These Days in Every day scata

  • March 6, 2018, 11:08 p.m.
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8:40 am

Started thinking obsessively about the cleaning business last night (but you knew that), and I started again this morning as soon as my feet hit the floor.

I have a “wish list” on Amazon (I have about 20 of them lol) just for cleaning supplies. I totaled out what it would cost if I got it all at once. It’s stuff that would be used, so there’s no frivolous things on the list. A few of the things I really should get now, so I totaled those up this morning and subtracted it from the big list. lol didn’t bring the total down much.

I then went to and made a list (or rather put things in the cart because they don’t have wish lists) to see how much that stuff would cost. Boxed is a lot cheaper than Amazon on the majority of the cleaning products I use. Almost a 2 for 1 deal. It’s not as much money as Amazon, but pretty close.

So what I would like to do is order the stuff I need “now” after I get paid from the Alpenhorn this week, then get the rest of the stuff when I get my tax return. I already have everything in stock from Boxed, but will need more (obviously) as time goes on. Plus, if my friend takes on a client, she’ll need supplies, too.

Pam agrees with this, seeing that I’ll have the money and won’t get caught short.

Shoot. I need to look for a big ass bag for my friend like I carry. I am going to put the cleaning stuff in smaller squirt bottles for her (except the multi purpose cleaner. It gets used a lot) so she doesn’t have to lug around a 50 pound bag like I do. but there’s other stuff that will go in the bag so, the big ones work well.

Wonder where I can find one. hmm

11:35 am

While I was at Dollar General picking up some more cleaning stuff (I’m gonna need that nasty lime-a-way tomorrow), my phone rang. A gentleman wants a move out cleaning on a house. Told him I didn’t have my appt book and I’d call asap.

Called, have another consult on Saturday. I’m assuming it will be a one time deal.

I don’t know how these people are finding me lol It’s not a bad thing, though. I just worry about physically handling it. I push through the pain to the point of exhaustion and huge flare ups.

I’m stressing. I shouldn’t be, but I am.

Aaaand I totally forgot I was writing this. I’ll be back later.

5 pm

Meh. Met with one of the new people today. Her house is a disaster area with kids stuff all over the place and puppies running around. Supposedly they pick up the house and whatever the day before the cleaner comes in. Then they expect everything to be done within two hours. The house is HUGE. 2 hours is not enough time for me to do a good job. But, we’ll see. They just want things kind of wiped down and dusted, vacuumed, and the bathrooms done. Meh. Not the way I clean, but if that’s all you want, that’s all you’re going to get.

I did tell her to get the house in top shape it would take me about 5 hours this first time, then 3-4 hours thereafter. They have kids! Puppies! It’s not like it’s a clean house… really wish I had a hidden camera to show the mess they showed me.

I left her the contract, with the list of tasks that are to be expected of me to let her look it over.

Who knows. Maybe when I go over on Tuesday the clutter will be picked up and cleaning will be easy. ::shrug::

See ya.

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