dreaming of you in 2018

  • Jan. 17, 2018, 8:25 p.m.
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I have a draft I was working on a couple days ago, but I’m not feeling like putting a lot of effort into it right now so I’m starting something new. :) Technically I have like three or four drafts I’ve been meaning to finish but they’ve all been sitting there for a while. It’s so much easier to just ramble on about whatever is currently on my mind instead of trying to rehash the memories. This is why I should sit down to write when I’m in the mood instead of leaving little notes to come back to. Oh well. It’ll get done some day, maybe.

I had a lot of dreams about the Sheriff last night. I think he was pretty much involved in every single one that I can consciously remember. Although I don’t really remember what happened in each of them. Just that he was there and they were happening throughout the night. You know that feeling when you wake up and you know you were thinking about a certain person.

One dream in particular that I remember I was riding in a car with him. Not sure what he was doing but he kept driving off the side of the road and then we started going over these really tall bridges and I was freaking out a little. Bad drivers are scary. haha. So I was trying to correct him, or get him to pay attention, without nagging him. Like gently trying to correct him without it seeming like I was telling him what to do. hah. I don’t know? But then there was a gap in the bridge and it was way too big to even fly across even though I could see cars on the other side and couldn’t figure out how they got there. We fell off the bridge of course but we safely landed on the water below and continued moving. I remember thinking how weird it was that I didn’t even get scared and that we were totally safe, but still knowing that was impossible. The dream got all muddled after that and I either woke up or jumped into another dream. There were other moments where I was standing next to him, or holding on to him, and I think we might have even been in another car traveling at some point. But I don’t remember any more details than that.

It was weird to dream about him. I think he’s the one person I’ve ever met that I’ve had the most dreams about. They don’t usually involve real people. It’s always one of those faceless beings that are figures of people you actually know. All these dreams though have very clearly been him. Like I can see all of his features and everything, which is very different from my normal patterns. I don’t think I ever wrote about the ones I had before. It was on that ever expanding to-write list, I’m sure.

One involved him chasing some guy through a store and I was following along trying to help him by checking the aisles and what not. Another involved him standing in the middle of my street washing his truck and he walked over to look at mine and made a comment about liking it or something. There was another involving some kind of cop thing but I don’t remember details now. There have just been so many. I mean, even just one would be weird considering the aforementioned lack of real people in dreams though.

Does any of this mean anything? Probably not. Except maybe I watch too many cop shows and this guy’s in law enforcement.

I do think I know why he showed up last night though. I finally saw the BBQ guy yesterday! We figured out that we probably hadn’t seen each other since like April/May. And it was super crazy the way it happened because I’d just finished vacuuming and while I put it away his name popped into my head and I thought about how long it had been and wondered when he might show up. For some reason I was thinking about seeing him and whether I’d hug him.
Then I walked to the front of the office and within about a minute I saw a white ford drive by and I thought it was him but the truck didn’t have a camper and I only caught a glimpse of his face. Sure enough though! I took a couple steps and there he was walking by my front window and into the office! I hesitated about the whole hug thing and decided it might be awkward so I walked behind the comfort of my desk and just enthusiastically greeted him instead. This literally happened within minutes though and I was so in shock by my own psychic powers. haha! ;)

It was so nice to see him too! I missed talking to him. I was alone in the office at the time so it was cool to just catch up. I joked about his disappearance and he told me how he’d moved a couple times. He’d gone to live like an hour and half away and when I questioned it, because I thought it was for work, he super hesitated and ended up saying that it was the most reasonable place he could find when he left here. For some reason I thought maybe it involved him moving with a girl or something. The way he hesitated to say anything was strange but that’s ok. I’m probably the only one that picks up on those subtleties. Turns out he’s still working out at the base and living closer to the area now. Apparently every time he drives by the office he checks for the open sign and then decides if he’s got enough extra time to kill. I guess yesterday was the first time it all lined up so that was nice. I’m sure I’ll see him a few more times over the course of the season.

The reason I’m mentioning this connection though [other than the crazy way it happened!] is because the Sheriff’s always reminded me of a younger version of this guy. We have very similar interactions with the whole dry sense of humor thing. BBQ guy even jokes about how he comes in just to get harassed by me. We’ve always got that back and forth teasing thing going on, which I really enjoy! And it’s the same with the Sheriff although in that case I probably give more than I take since we haven’t known each other as long. Not that he didn’t step up his game in year two.

So yeah, I saw this person that reminds me so much of him and then I combined that with reading some Sheriff department’s funny facebook posts for like an hour last night and I’m thinking that definitely lead to all of the dreams. At least they were comforting and I didn’t wake up in one of those sad/bittersweet sorta moods.

To dream that you are crossing a bridge signifies an important decision or a critical junction in your life. This decision will prove to be a positive change filled with prosperity and wealth in the horizon. Bridges represent a transitional period in your life where you will be moving on to a new stage. If the bridge is over water, then it suggests that your transition will be an emotional one. If you fall off the bridge and into the water, then the dream indicates that you are letting your emotions hold you back and prevent you from moving forward. Alternatively, the bridge may indicate that you are trying to “bridge” or connect two things together.

Not that I am going to actually read any thing into any of this! haha.

I did actually have a dream about TF a couple nights ago. Which negates my “I don’t dream of real people” comment earlier but whatever. It’s not nearly as often. And in case I don’t get around to finishing that draft entry I thought I’d mention it here.

We were standing in my kitchen talking and he walked over to the white board on the wall behind us [which used to actually be there but is no longer in real life] and he wrote, ”Innocence is getting with your best friend”

Then he walked back over to me and we did this strange sidehug thing and I put my arms around him and we stood like that for a while. I know we were talking about what this whole phrase meant, and I kept thinking about how we weren’t best friends, but I can’t seem to remember anything that was said after I woke up. Just like “innocence” not really being about the typical definition and stuff about getting with or being with someone.
We must have walked somewhere after that because I turned to keep my hand behind his back and he’d wrapped his arm around me. There was more hand holding/hugging and I kept holding on to him from the side.

That’s pretty much all I remember. I know other things happened but they aren’t coming back to me. And I know we were having a conversation. I woke up though and my brain was focusing hard on the white board quote so I wouldn’t forget it after I was fully awake. I guess everything else just fell into the background.

Now that one is definitely not in the dream dictionary so I’ll leave it as a very interesting story.

In other news that has nothing to do with my creative subconscious:
Work is going well. It’s not too crazy yet. I’m hoping it’ll be an easy going year. I’ve been feeling very relaxed lately. Taking it one day at a time. No big deal. Last year really taught me to stay calm and realize there is nothing I can do about what happens. I have zero control over who walks in, or how they act, or anything that goes on around here. Other than my own stuff of course. But there’s no point in stressing over things I cannot change. So I’m hoping to continue that this year. It’s going extremely well so far! I’ll stay positive. =]

I finished my course of steroids yesterday. So far so good on that front as well. I’m still taking the anti-inflammatories for the rest of the month. I’ve got a pretty good pill routine going, which is kinda sad to admit. It makes me feel old. haha. But yeah. I’m on the BP meds plus vitamin D and super-b complex. I definitely notice the energy shift with the super-b so that’s nice to have. As long as I’m not having any negative effects I’ll continue those for a while. My next appointment is on Monday so she can go over how I’m doing and reevaluate the BP. I’ve been wearing one of these fitbit tracker things and I don’t know if it’s actually connected but my resting heart rate has dropped at least 10 points since I started these new meds. I’m guessing it has a lot to do with not being in pain, or stressed about needing to move, and I’m just more relaxed in general. I’ll take it as a win. But I’m also hoping it’ll help with the BP and maybe I can magically go off those pills. I’d really honestly prefer not to be taking anything at all, although I don’t mind the vitamin supplements. It’s just the synthetic stuff I don’t like. I like letting my body regulate itself and only supplement naturally. I don’t want to have a heart attack or stroke though so I’ll do what I’m told. If I have to.

Looks like I got distracted with actual work for a little while there. ha. Not much more to report anyway. I’ve been sleeping really well lately! Super comfortable! I’m guessing it’s because I’m tired at the end of the day as opposed to just going to sleep because I should. Whatever it is, I like it.

OH! Another dream I forgot to mention - it was about another client of ours and really all I remember is that I was standing up next to him while he sat at the desk and he kept grabbing at my thigh and squeezing me. This made me laugh because a) super random, b) he actually has some amazing eyes, c) this dude’s crazy and it just solidifies that my subconscious is on overdrive already.

Ok. I think I’ll go finish up a binder project I’m working on while I wait for this last client to wrap up.


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