Lake Effect Snow in 2017

  • Nov. 10, 2017, 8 a.m.
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Clear and dry here, but Matt works right off Lake Michigan and its already accumulating. I think snow is about the only redeeming thing about winter. Im not a cold weather kinda gal. But I love (looking at) snow. When I was a kid I would always wish for it on my birthday (dec2) and Christmas. The rest of the days, the cold weather can go fly a kite. Haha.

Today Im drowning in housework. It looks like the place has been ransacked. Thats the thing about small spaces…they get messy pretty easily. Admittedly, though, Im not a very effective cleaner. I tend to hyperfocus on a small area or room and by the time that is (very thoroughly) clean, the rest of the house is messy. Neverending battle with small children, I suppose. I keep trying to pull things together enough to start a system. “Once the house is clean, I can do x y z on these days”. Except the clean part hasn’t fallen into place yet. To be fair, Im having to keep up with the daily tasks on top of trying to deep clean/reorganize things that have fallen off the wayside over the past nine months or so. My life/emotions feel pretty variable right now as I navigate what I think is a mild hypomanic spot. Two days ago my house was pretty tidy and I felt optomistic. Today feels a little bit like drowning, but right at the very least I have motivation to dig out of it.

The bits of light through the trees. One step forward, two steps back. Or something?

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