Super Bowl 02/02/14 in Charting new territory

  • Feb. 3, 2014, 1:11 a.m.
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Twas a glorious day full of family and fun. It helps immeasurably that our team won the whole fracas. I am weary and painfully aware of my neck, shoulders and numb arm. I honestly don't know what to do about this post operative complication. I cannot bear the thought of having the surgery "revised" as the doc's suggest. My patience is running thin and my pain tolerance seems to be showing signs of wear and tear. I suppose I will either get it fixed or learn to live with it. Meanwhile, it is a tedious bitch and I am tired of this perpetually whining person I have become.

On to a different subject. What is it about parties, be they small or large, that leads us to believe that any substance is edible under the right circumstances? I have filled myself with a chip dip, knowing full well that jalapeno peppers are not my friend. I ate them with great relish. I proclaimed to all and sundry that this was the most wonderful dip I had ever tasted. I am trying to ignore my body's subtle proclamations of distress. I just watched Downton Abby and I shall be no less genteel than the ladies of fiction. I'm lying through my teeth, too. What an idiot I am sometimes. lol

All things told, we've had a very good day. I'll keep the memory of a winning team, the shouting from my family, the running over enthusiasm of a group of beloved sports fans, including 7 year old Nathan who had no idea why he was cheering, for a very long time. We were together. I've learned to cherish moments.

Deleted user February 03, 2014

Plums are not my friend just now, either. I am sorry we are sharing digestive distress. Comments here on the radio say that the game wasn't so good this year - I have no idea about such things. It sounds like you had fun, anyway.

Linda February 03, 2014

I'm so sorry about your gastronomical distress, but I had to laugh at your description.

I was rooting for the Seahawks, but the game was horrible. Not really worth watching.

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