starbucks cake repetitive. back in april. in yes i'm aware it's 2016.

  • Sept. 12, 2017, 1:20 a.m.
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‘ so at starbucks earlier. well. at the one in the store she asked how much something was w/ tax. [since they don’t include tax in the price and they really should since she doesn’t like guessing.]. and she went to the other starbucks to see if they had the item there. well they didn’t so back to the first one were closing up oh for the love of god. how hard is it to get a godamn cinnamon roll? which, she didn’t end up getting. well for her today v. again the absurdity of life. all that for a cinnamon loaf. and then when she was ordering a choc loaf the lady heard ‘choc milk’. like they don’t even sound alike! finally the MC’s ‘no the bread’ cause she hates repeating herself. like do people just have bad hearing or is it her? and this is why everyone should write everything. so that doesn’t happen. ‘

‘ earlier today she’d. well she’d gone to the mall. she’d gone to tokyo joe’s and gotten a cup for water. well she wanted one of the big cups but the stupid lady [actually she was probably an intelligent lady and the MC doesn’t mean it in that sense] wouldn’t give her a big cup. so instead she gave her a coffee cup. the MC wasn’t about to stand there and argue w/ the woman. and like that’s not even a real problem! or anything. it’s just. she thinks it’s weird when people drink beverages that aren’t hot beverages out of hot beverage cups.

so then. she went to her park. for a bit. w/ that weird hot beverage but not lemon water. so. it - outside - had gotten cold er rather she’d gotten so she went inside well actually she went to the mall. which is inside although there are outdoor a really stupid idea in places where it gets, you know, cold but ok. so yes. at the mall she went to starbucks and got hot choc. and cinn. bread. she’d wanted that bread since wed. when she didn’t get it and she’d had her heart set on it too. good stuff. so while she was sitting there eating and uh beverage-ing she ‘d meant to get peppermint hot choc. the hot choc. she’d gotten was fine there just wasn’t much flavor to it. she knew something was missing but untill then she wasn’t quite sure what. and she wasn’t about to go ‘all the way’ back after she’d only just sat down and go and inconvenience herself. godamnit. oh she also realised she’d forgotten to ask for her receipt ‘s not ‘forgetting’ when the person remembers. where’s her head at lately? so after she was done she went back and got the receipt.

oh her and her adventures. of weird hot beverage cups and lemon water and hot choc. that wasn’t peppermint and not getting receipts. wow.

so then she was at the store w/ her mom - who btw is the funniest person she knows - the damn checkout computer thing got too it took them 5 - 10 mins. to purchase their groceries. oh for cryin out loud. again the absurdities of life.

well…so she liked her bus driver. she’s like a doll all short and round. and she seems sweet and she’s cool. she helped the MC to the van from the bus which, was weird since the MC doesn’t like being touched but not bad. like uh ok so this is different.’

‘ so. when she back for her receipt yesterday as it’s now sat. the lady behind her waited. and she told the lady ‘oh i’m not ordering but thank you’. and then on her way to whole foods [again] she and the lady crossed the st. and it was then that the MC knew who the lady reminded her of. carrie fisher who, really, wasn’t a particularly attractive woman but she was strong. it’s like yeah that’s it!

so before yesterday she was getting the batteries out of her toothbrush to put new ones in. well those things will just pop right out of there cause of the pressure. so after she’d put the new ones in the wrong way. [cause she does she doesn’t look cause she’s a noncomformist] she went and got a bowl to put…batteries in when she was done w/ they wouldn’t just be doesn’t like it when things are loose. she talked to her mom’s dog about the batteries popping out thing.

oh yesterday. at well between 5 - 6 her mom goes ‘it’s snowing!’ to which she replies ‘outside?’ surprised for some reason even though she knew it was going to. and her mom’s ‘no just in your room’. what the fuk kindof question was that, ‘outside’. wow… it’s like ‘xmas lights: for indoor/outdoor use only’. um. well one would hope since there isn’t another option. or is there?…

oh right so thurs. well she watched ‘mom’ w/ her they do. it’s about a bunch of ladies that are in AA. [well ok not ‘a bunch of’. a few.]. they’re friends. and a daughter and her mom. well in it the daughter revealed she’d been…well raped. the MC’s mom and her didn’t talk about the ep. but god what a hard ep. to watch. it was an important one. that’s what makes a good show a mixture of drama and comedy ‘mash’ was like that too. the mixture that is other thing. ‘

‘ so before yesterday outside her mom’s on the front there were what appeared to be car parts. they were in her way. she told her mom they were there and her mom told her they were bumpers for her dad and to tell her dad they were there. well so she went and held the front door open for them as they lifted the bumpers and took them inside. apparently they weighed 80 - 100 lbs. each and that is heavy. she can lift that much but that’s the most she can lift. they took them through the living rm to out back where she already was holding the door open for them. on their doors the outer ones they have these fastener things that a person can move and twist so that the doors stay open.

. the day before yesterday her sister came by. for a visit apparently as they weren’t having dinner together. she’d made focaccia which the MC liked as it had salt in it and she likes salt. and no she doesn’t crave it. she just likes it.

it was 1:10 a.m. and she was thinking about yesterday which now is/was sat. as today’s sun. her day wasn’t great yesterday. she um she went to the home depot area. yes in the damn snow. it wasn’t like blinding blowing hurt-y snow well it was but not a terrible amount er great amount. there wasn’t a great amount falling in the time she went out is what she was saying. most of it had already fallen and it was really pretty. got in a few good photos though. oh on her way she stopped in and under this tree branch arc thing it was like a tunnel. she likes tunnels she feels safe in them and it was somehow warmer in there then outside . well it was less cold.

so when she was er before she stopped in on the border [or otb as she calls it] she…well she saw a bird actually she saw a few. little birds. robins orange and black. she likes birds loves them. she talks to them. she’s like ‘hi birdy. you stay warm and keep moving ok?’ the robin was cute. there’s this art piece entitled ‘the mad bluebird’ and it’s adorable. and like it shouldn’t be cause the bluebird’s all put it is. she’s never told anyone that. the mad bluebird. [so apparently when small round things are put out they’re adorable]. so she stopped in otb for a few mins to get warm. she likes it there.

and then. onto um …wal mart. it took her quite some time to get there cause of all the damn snow no one had bothered to shovel. at some points it was 1, 2 ft. deep/high. like really? people can’t be considerate and shovel it so ladies like her don’t get colder? wow. so she was cold and irritable. onto wal mart where nothing remarkable happened other didn’t have to wait for the self checkout er she didn’t have to wait in line that is. she got tea then on back to the home depot area. it was between 6:40 - 7 when she got there.

she went to safeway which was like dead. she was in a bit of a hurry and this asian lady in front of her didn’t know which card to use. it’s like come on lady. well she got to home depot about 7:10 oh at safeway she’d gotten she had more time then she thought she did which is always nice. when she was ready she called the lady as always the lady answered w/ ‘hello?’. does the lady not look at her phone when someone calls? she must not. and she told the lady she was ready. [well why the fuk else would she call? it’s either that or to tell the lady she was at the school].

so that was most of yesterday. ‘

‘day before yesterday [which now ‘yesterday’ is/was it would be ‘was’.]. um. her mom had her dad come down and tie the big tree branches to the tree so the snow wouldn’t break happened out back. he also put a ladder under the branches so the ladder would hold them. ‘

‘ oh also yesterday. well before she went to wal mart she went to get warm. she’d considered getting their lightly sweetened chai but had she she would’ve spent all the money and she wanted to save some. ‘

‘ so then…then…she got ready. at 3:50 she was sitting in the dining rm. annoyed by the damn sun. she’s a bit light sensitive as she’s recently put it. like she’s ok being in natural light but not when it’s streaming through the windows. it’s like god who turned on the freakin sun? she put papers like she was holding them up a bit to block the way too bright. but stopped as she didn’t want the lady as in the lady she lived w/ to say anything about it. also since it was evidently windy she saw the leaves trees branches moving through the window and kindof sheer curtains. like will you stop? movement drives her crazy.

alrite so the lady got back from the school. and she told the MC that her mentor had called and had cancelled. so the MC went back upstairs got more ready came down left a note and exited the house. she went actually to the home depot area where she spent 4 hrs. well actually almost 5. the walk there was fine.

at the home depot area she heard birds. and so she’s ‘ok if you say so’ in reply to them.

so when she was sitting on a bench [it’s weird that people sit in a chair but on a bench. well sometimes they also sit on a chair. and yet they don’t sit in benches. anyway.]. at the park where the bison statues are. a guy w/ white hair and glasses came up to her on his way to his car he was 2 ft. away from her. nothing happened and he wasn’t armed or anything [well far as she knew] and no one said anything but it was just really weird. when there are other places to stop. at first she thought he was a friend of hers and . she was fine after that happened other than freaked out. so that was the bizarre the day well a bizarre part as there’s another.

so right after that she went to safeway got um bottled tea. and she went and had it while watching the news. she sat and had it in the store as opposed to outside of it. um. she went and bought more bottled tea a big bottle purchased it at starbucks. the guy’s like ‘uh i don’t have a penny…gave you .15’ and she’s ‘oh that’s ok’. like really over a damn penny. if it were $5 then he’d owe her. it’s this rule she has. if it’s $5 or more then she expects the person to pay her back. cause the $5 thing is official in some way…somehow…

after which. she went to wendy’s. she had a bit of a hard time ordering bc the cashier was good looking. he also was younger than she is. they’d changed the look of their menu. she got fries and a soda of course as usual. she went and sat down then moved. it was fine and she’d wanted to sit down for an hr. or so but it was loud. and then when she was in the ladies’ rm the music was even louder. and she wants bathrooms to be quiet.

so while at wendy’s…a bus from miller HS was driving in the home depot area and she thought that was weird. a bunch of teenage guys and probably their teacher or maybe their coach came in and got food.

so then she went to safeway for a bit er the outside of it. rather she sat on a bench outside safeway. safeway she went inside safeway. cause she wanted a cookie. she ended up having 4. also she was cold. and she was waiting for the sun to go down and it to get fully dark so she could go to the liquor store which she didn’t end up doing . the sun sure took awhile to go down.

so on her way to home could’ve sworn she saw the lady’s car clear as day. [which is funny cause it was stll somewhat light out at the point. so ‘clear as day’ makes sense a bit]. and so she went into the store didn’t want to wait outside only for the lady to drive up when the MC hadn’t called her. well she called the lady and when she told her she was ready. the lady told her her key was broken the key to as she put it ‘my’ house. which well is true cause it isn’t actually technically the MC’s ‘s the lady’ to the MC it sounded weird as though she’s a guest there as opposed to living there. and having lived there for a bit over a yr. had the lady said ‘the house’ then that would’ve been different. also she has never heard anyone say their key was broken. so that’s the other thing that seems unbelieveable. locks sure those break but keys? that like is that a thing? that happens? well it must be. and isn’t that why people have 2 keys? or it’s certainly a reason why they should. unless their lock’s broken and then it doesn’t matter how many keys they have. so that was the other bizarre the day. it also just seemed like such a random thing to have happened.

so. she waited 20 mins. for the lady and then went intisde home depot where she stood and waited some more. it was 9 by that point and they close at 10. so after a few mins. the lady’s car [well actually technically it’s a van] pulled up. on the way back to the house the lady told her something. and it took the MC a minute to figure out what she’d said cause a the MC doesn’t pay attention and 2 the lady isn’t a loud talker. and the MC doesn’t like asking people to repeat themselves cause she hates doing it herself so. well what the lady had told her was that her family was over which 2 wks. ago the lady had forewarned her of. so now more people for 2 wks. oh wow. they’re all v. nice people and they seem to like her [although not like it’s all that . like someone would have to actually try, not to like her.]. the lady’s daughter is nice. what the hell is the daughter’s name? the MC knew it once. not that the MC uses people’s names but it’s better then just referring to her as ‘the daughter’ or ‘the lady’s daughter’. well w/e it is she sure is a nice lady.

so that was pretty much her day most of it. ‘

‘ so while she was at when she was in line to purchase the tea.a lady in front of her w/ sunglasses on was wondering…it had something to do w/ cigerettes or their pricing or something. she told the cashier ‘i’m short’ and she on change cash but the MC thought she meant in general like in terms of height. the cigerette wondering change lady was 5‘2 maybe 5‘3. which, looking back seemed like a really weird and random thing to say if she meant her height, but she hadn’t. ‘i’m short’. um ok.

oh the MC was at wendy’s a little girl emma as she later found out went and sat by the window. well someone she knew called to her and emma went ‘what?’ rather loudly. and she was maybe 3 ft. from the MC.

wendy’s a guy had sat in a booth the MC had vacated right behind she doesn’t like that so she moved so her side was against the bench she was sitting the booth she.[was sitting in rather as people don’t sit on booths that…that doesn’t work.].

so. on the way back…well after the lady picked her up they went the lady parked and went into safeway for, something and then they went on to the house.’

‘ so when she was at the home depot first time she…was going there. she was by safeway and these asian kids were w/ their mom and one of them a little boy goes ‘it’s raining it’s pouring it’s time for you to be quiet’. yes thank you but please continue to state the obvious. but you know if you want to be that person. [as it had at the time] that’s. wow. and she the MC thought ‘well you’re the one who’s being loud’. fukin hypocrite.

oh the other thing that happened. and this happened earlier today and it’s partially her fault. at 3 she was going to the restroom. er she was going to. and she just barged on in there. well her roommate was in there but she won’t close the door the way a normal person would. like if someone’s in there close the damn door. really not that hard. every time the MC’s in there she closes and locks the door the outer one anyway. for that exact reason. yeah her roommate’s kindof weird.

oh right so on that note the bike one. well when she was on her way to well southlands as she goes there to get to wal mart. she saw a biker coming her way. along the highway. she moved out of the way. and it’s funny [or maybe not] cause people just don’t bike in aurora. they do in denver though. she was thinking about that the other day. ‘

‘ so she went. well she went to the park. er by the park rather. and when she was there she got a bit confused as to which direction to go. but then figured it out. so when she was by the school there were crossing gaurds. she doesn’t like them. well it’s not them personally she doesn’t like. she doesn’t like interacting w/ random people and she doesn’t want them interacting w/ her. her new thing lately is ‘fukoff and don’t talk to me’. she could never be a crossing gaurd. [not that she’s currently looking for a job but if she was.]. she doesn’t like standing and as put she doesn’t like interacting w/ people.

um there were people out well there were children so children are people. she opposed to other age groups. she forgets that. she sees children at the mall but usually they’re w/ their parents. teenagers look so young when someone’s but they are. one of them was on a scooter and she said ‘thank you’ when the MC moved out of her way. and the MC after went ‘you’re welcome. and thank you.’. in aurora most people won’t acknowledge that. like not that it’s bad but most people don’t say anything. there’s just this unspoken agreement that people will be polite. and unlike at her mom’s she doesn’t expect them to be. yeah where she’s from people are impolite and conceited. she’s not a super interactive person [and thank god she’s not] but she’s polite to people she doesn’t know.

yeah. right so she forgets that children go to school. actually she forgets that people are in school/go to work. cause she doesn’t. people always say they’re busy or they’re like ‘oh so at work today’ the computer wasn’t something. but they never say what they’re actually busy doing and most of the time when they talk about work like on fb they don’t say what they do. people have this weird need to sleep. [well she does too she ‘t sleep when they do.]. so when she’s called well recently when she called someone at night when she was awake. the person’s like ‘sorry but we were asleep’. well and maybe the MC is selfish but she wants to know more nocturnal people. friends not just random people. people and their weird need to sleep when she’s awake. and that’ she took that person’s # off her phone. yeah she’s embarassed about it.

so. she went to the bus stop on the way she stopped and took photos. on the bus there were 2 cops she forgets that ‘oh. cops need to take the bus too.’. she was on her best behaviour cause oh god cops. she was nervous. not cause she’d done anything but cause cops make her nervous. even if a cop’s getting lunch at the same place she w/e still gets nervous. so she went to the store was a cop car parked in front of it. and more being nervous. so in the store she looked at the books and saw 2 new books she wants. and she went to the bank and asked for a quarter and uh…8 nickels or something. as she had .40. and she hates tiny coins they’re the bane of her existance. and the lady’s ‘i can give you a quarter and 2 dimes’ and the MC’s thinking ‘but i want…big coins. ok fine’ and the lady’s ‘sorry’. no the MC wasn’t trying to get more money out of her she just legitimately hates tiny coins. but she’d rather have 2, 3, 4 tiny coins then 5 or more so. well so she got the money.

so then. she went and got bottled she does. the tiny short blonde w/ the glasses she doesn’t like was the self checkout that is. she didn’t interact w/ the MC which thank god. no besides her voice and well interaction part the other reason the MC doesn’t like her is cause when in the past the MC’s been at the self checkout the blonde has asked her if she needs help or will tell her to put her card in er scan it or w/e. the MC knows how to grocery shop she’s not stupid. she’s been grocery shopping since at least for the last 10 yrs. so again. fukoff.

so went to starbucks the one by the where. she got a brownie the lady justine was working there. the lady who so far she hadn’t had to repeat herself for. she had the brownie and the tea and to her right at the table she usually there were these 2 hens clucking away. [ actual hens she means ladies. actual hens in starbucks that would be interesting.]. either they were loud or they just talked a she wants starbucks to be quiet when she’s in there goes there. after awhile they left. there were 2 other ladies in there one a brunette w/ glasses on her computer. and a blonde. and a guy who left shortly. other customers came in mostly ladies actually all ladies. near the end of her stay justine asked the brunette w/ glasses where a something w/ marshmellows was. and they talked about its whereabouts for a bit. and the brunette’s ‘in the last place i look’ and the MC’s thinking ‘well obviously it’s in the last place you look. oh that’s why that joke’s funny. but you know if you want to be that person’.

so then. she the MC. went back to the store went to the seasonal area. cause she was thinking about buying 2 plastic cups. but after looking at them she didn’t like them so much. so she ended up buying medical tape. it was on sale and it’s not w/ their money. so. they don’t actually need the receipt for it. she went to subway. she couldn’t find the ladies’ rm. and asked. she did what needed to be done then onto the store sat in the other starbucks for about a half hr.

so when she was in the ladies’ rm. a lady comes in and asks ‘ma’am are you ok?’ well the MC doesn’t like the word ‘ma’am’ and to her that question implies she’s upset. and the MC’s ‘yeah’ ‘ok well they need to clean it’ ‘oh ok. i’ll be right out. sorry’ ‘it’s ok’. had the other lady gone ‘hey just so you know they need to clean it so’ then that would’ve been better or ‘you good? cause they need to clean it’. she doesn’t like ‘are you ok?’ from random people it’s too much of an emotional thing.

also where she comes from people don’t do that. at [well the only store she goes to is whole foods. but anyway] when the cleaning guy comes into the ladies’ rm. to well clean it [and it’s a bit weird that it’s a guy and not a lady but ok] he’ll knock. and she likes that better. than someone like talking to her. but at the ladies’ rm in the store there’s not a um door on it so. well they can knock on the wall she’s done that herself. yeah where she comes from people either won’t say anything or they won’t ask her that.

oh so earlier. outside the restroom she heard this little girl who was not v. happy. and the MC’s thinking ‘please control your child. this is why i don’t have children’. and it’s a reason she doesn’t want them either. if she had them she’d be either terrible to them cause she doesn’t have patience. or she’d be too nice cause she doesn’t believe in discipline. she believes in talking things out.

so. at 8 when she was outside she called the lady and told her she was ready. [well. again why the fuk else would she call her? it’s either that or to tell her she was at the school]. well the lady came at 8:20. had it been 8:30 the MC would’ve gone back inside and called the lady from there. cause she was getting cold and also she doesn’t like waiting when she has nothing to do. well evidently it’s a huge thing if she decides to go inside the store and walk around for a bit while she’s waiting or it was last wk. anyway. well not to her but to them. ‘

‘ so. when they got back to the house earlier tonight [as it’s 10:40 atm] no one else was there but them and she thought…the lady’s family would . cause back when the lady had forewarned her of this which had been 2.5 wks ago. she’d said something about ‘there’ only to the MC ‘there’ meant the house not…not aurora. not ‘there’ as in ‘they’ll be here in aurora’ or as in ‘they’ll be in town’ but maybe not in the house all the days of those 2 wks. the lady really should’ve been more clear about that. and it’s nice to have the house quiet [again] it’s just weird after the last nights. since the last after the last 2 nights. since the last 2 nights they were the house. er rather. the last 2 nights they’d been at the house.

so earlier. for the first time in awhile. the lady actually parked on the street not in the garage. once when they were talking about this the lady goes ‘i just feel safer parking in the garage’. well. yes even though it’s not her car nor her house nor does she drive. [ does she want to] the MC’s part of this too doesn’t particularly this. no [and even though she’s small.]. it’s that. she wants more room then is in the more room around her when she gets the car.’

‘ so on thurs. which was had been the 4th. well she really doesn’t like being on time cause she doesn’t like rushing. so she’d been ready since 10:40 that morning. she’d been in the parlor/sitting rm. area but at 11:20 had gone back up to her rm. not that that changed her waiting it just changed where she was waiting. and in a few mins. she was going to call the lady. well in that time the lady calls up to her. and the MC’s thinking ‘i’ve been ready for the last 40 mins. where the hell were you?’. so she had to rush and this is the reason she gets ready early to get her stuff and when they got to the school the bus was already there. so yeah not a great start to her day. and she really really doesn’t like being late either. for her. she wants them to go to the school 20 mins. before the bus is scheduled to get there. so that she has time. which at least 3 times recently the lady’s done. but since the MC’s been living at the house more often then not the lady hasn’t done. one of these days she’ll walk to the school by herself. so she can leave when she wants to and not wait for anyone to take her to the school. [well unless it’s super damn cold.].

so. well the bus ride was fine and all that. when she got to her mom’s and after she got ready her mom told her there’d been a schedule change. that they were going to pick up her sister and go to that lion place for an hr. for lunch. well the place was good she liked it [in fact one of these days she might actually go there and have a drink] and the food was good but the conversation wasn’t.’

‘ oh so sat. the 6th. she when she was at southlands she went into mccabe’s first. and none of the staff people were there at the front untill…well damnit. the lady said ‘hi’ and the MC went ‘hi ladies’ rm. that way?’ ‘yes’. as though she needs to be told.

so visit to mccabe’s she went to the bookstore well the bn. somewhere she hadn’t been by herself in a long time. when she came in the greeter helper guy went ‘hi’ and she’s thinking ‘oh i didn’t see you there’ as he was a bit hidden. she went to the medical section and didn’t find any books on what she was looking for. and just as she was about to ask someone a helper guy was all ‘hi what can i help you w/?’ and she’s thinking ‘i’ve never been so glad to see someone in my life’. see her she’ll look around and then ask. and she’d found the book by that time and told the helper guy that. and he’s like ‘oh well i’m glad i could help in some small fashion’. so even though she didn’t find exactly what she’d been looking wasn’t a total waste cause she got to go to one of her fave places. er she did go there was there. ‘

‘ um…right so she went to wal mart where she got tea. and she looked at the books. she didn’t have to wait for a self checkout thing to open up er she didn’t have to wait in line that is. oh so then she went to mccabe’s and before she went to the ladies’ rm she asked the bartender 2 questions the first being what do bartenders mean when they say draft beer? and he goes ‘it’s one of these’ indicating the faucet things. and she’s ‘isn’t that the same thing?’ ‘uh huh’ uh ok then. that’s weird but w/e. and the other one she asked was. what’s a good summer wine something light…he said riesling or moscato those are usually pretty good. she’s going to start drinking again in july.

so then she went back to the home depot area went to home depot.

so then she went back to the home depot area went to home depot.

she gave herself untill 8:20. she’d technically left the house at 3:30 but the whole dog thing took 20 mins. so she’d left the neighborhood at 3:50. she called the lady at 8:20 and got back by 8:40 or so. 8:30 maybe.

she also called the bus people on tues. to schedule for fri. the woman was hispanic not that that’s like.a problem or anything. oh and she got her period some point tues. yeah when she woke up she did not feel good.

so that was pretty much it for tues. ‘

‘ so then yesterday. which was had been. wed. the .went to the store. she 9 in the rather she went at 9 in the morning via the lady. and she the doesn’t do mornings. it was too damn early and she’ a morning person. she got. well she got tea pb fruit. and a book lady products and a bowl. the more the day went on the more tired she got. when she was done at 1:50 she called the lady.

oh. so right. well…usually she’s able to get all her bags outside at once but ‘t happen. so she took 2 trips er made 2 rounds. and put them on a table by the entrance. and then made 2 rounds to get them into the car er van.

but before went to she told the guy that was in line behind her that if he knows what he wants he can go ahead, or something. apparently yesterday she didn’t want to be the person holding everybody up and slowing them down. as she doesn’t like it when people do that to her. he went ahead of her.

when they got back to the . at like 3 she went to sleep. from 3 - 9:30 but woke up a couple times once at 5 and once at 7 as she has broken sleep.

and that was pretty much it.’

‘ she’d gone to the store yesterday. well rather she’d taken the bus to the store. so when she was about to exit, the bus these people got on it. like and again. it’s like people don’t understand how things work. ok people wait for the other people to exit before getting on or they should anyway. she’ll do that.

so when she was at the the store she asked the lady if they had a rubber band as hers had just broke a bit before that. and she’s like ‘no but thank you’ which seems like a weird response. like uh for what, exactly what’s she thanking me for.

people have weird responses sometimes. yeah this one time.

this guy called her. and he’d had a wrong number so he’s ‘sorry’ and then ‘that’s ok’. well i’m glad you think it’s ok cause that was supposed to be her line. like he’s the one that had the wrong number not her.

and so. other than the weird response from the bank lady it’s like you uptight bitch. she hates people like that. they come off as all nice but then when you ask them something like that they’re all uptight. over a rubber band of all things. like for fuk’s sake. my god. life is so fukin absurd sometimes. as though they think they’re better than everyone. they’re not better but they’re not any worse either. and here isn’t a place where that usually happens.

so this one time when she was at the mall. she was at kona grill actually. and she asked to use the ladies’ rm. cause. well obvious reasons.

and the lady went ‘are you dining w/ us as well?’ and she’s ‘no’ and then she proceeded to tell her where one is. well she knows where one is she’s not stupid. but ya know. that’s fine. that’s why she never tell people things like that. is cause they’re not. if they want to know they can ask. she hates it when people insult her intelligence. oh she also hates being patronised by the way. um anyway. yes uptight people.’

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