Constants and positivity in The First Life

  • July 31, 2017, 8:04 p.m.
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Breathe positivity into the world and it will return.
In these past two weeks I’ve smiled more than I had in a very long time. My heart feels so warm and full with new friendships.
I’ve learned to take advantage of new opportunities even when I have a small amount of fear. I’m shutting down anxious thoughts and taking the chance to hang out with new faces.
This past weekend I spent time with people I have come to enjoy. We laugh all over this little village. We drink too much. I walk home.
Some beautiful and kind new friends invited me over to their place for dinner. Despite my fear of awkwardness, I walked over and had a lovely meal with three new friends. We all went to a house party, I stayed and they left. Drank like I was 22, blew through the beer I brought and then some. Sang loud. Laughed hard. Danced around until 6am when we climbed on top of a jeep and watched the sun come up.
The world felt right. We watched the sky. Spoke of things that scratched the surface.
It felt like home. Felt like me. Felt like campfires and malt liquor and Sunday chinese food.

Every day the weight comes off a little more.
Yet there is still one constant I cannot shake.

I've made it August 01, 2017

Love your writing.

shespeaksmetaphors I've made it ⋅ August 01, 2017

Thank you. =)
Usually just ramblings.

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