Snow in Magma

  • Feb. 3, 2014, 7:24 a.m.
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  • Public

Last night there were forecasts of snow, 6-8". In the haze of the blowout that the Seahawks dealt to the Broncos I almost forgot to prepare for this. Luckily there was enough wood on the deck to make this a quick task.

This morning at 5am I looked out and stared at the beginnings of what would become a nonstop layering of wet packing snow. The kind of snow children cheer for, dreams of snowmen and an endless supply of snowballs are fashioned from. I am sure with the school district call this morning announcing the halt of school for the day that my son will be wide eyed imagining all the fun he'll be able to have for the next few days.

Next monday they're forecasting a monster snowstorm capable of yielding 24-30" of snow. I'm not sure if the forecasters are drunk with power or they're right but it would mean I'd be stuck home. There is no way with that snow I'd be on the road. But this also leads me to wonder about my who will take care of my father's driveway & walkways. My brother no doubt will be out plowing.

Ok, that's all for now. Be well.

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