life stuff in life stuff and misc.

  • Jan. 30, 2014, 5:04 p.m.
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Yeah, so my dad is recovering from having a... bi-ventricular synchronizer and internal defribulator put in, in a hospital in Utica. It is like the logical extreme of the pacemaker and they had to open him up and put him under and everything, sew the wires right into his heart.

He is doing okay so far. Could be out tomorrow afternoon. But it is scary as hell to think of.

The upshot is that my stalled out life can come to some good use in the months he's gonna have to recover. I can be kinda useful again helping nurse him back to health in the six weeks he can't use his left arm for goddamned anything.

But it is scary. In November he was hospitalized for pneumonia and a few weeks later he relapsed when he snuck out to do some snowblowing while Ma was at work and I was asleep. It is terrifying.

I love him so much but he's so used to being so strong when he was young and he is so fucking stubborn about wanting to do physical work when, I mean, his heart is fucked up beyond belief and his diabetes is getting worse.

I dunno. He is a stubborn bastard but not in a good way.

I hope he comes through this better than ever. I just hope I can help him recover and he doesn't flip out for not getting to chop firewood for two months.

Anyway. This is stuff I wouldn't be comfortable writing about on facebook or twitter for his privacy's sake but I can at least write about it here.

Thank you for that.

Florentine January 30, 2014

It's good that you'll be there to help out. Here's to hoping he'll let you.

And I hope he makes a quick recovery so he can feel "useful" again, too. I'm sure that's rough on someone who likes to always be doing something.

Avalon January 30, 2014

I hope he has a quick and easy recovery! It's great that you're around to help, even if he's stubborn about accepting it.

dancing in plastic February 03, 2014

He'll appreciate your trying one day, if he doesn't already.

convoyeur February 09, 2014

I wish he would move to California; he seems so much happier when he's out here, eating healthily and enjoying the mild weather. I think it would be better for his body and his spirit.

littlefallsmets February 09, 2014

Honestly, if they weren't worried about helping his mom and my mom's parents as they get old, they probably would when Ma retires...

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