Chaos in Maniacs, Prophecy, and Old Friends

  • May 20, 2017, 11:01 p.m.
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My thoughts keep circling around.
(How crazy am I?)
It makes me dizzy.
(Want me to hold your books?)
The same thoughts everyday.
(He really cares about you.)
At the center-you.
(How was your summer?)

Why can I not think of other things?
(I’ll make you cry everyday)
Why do you perpetuate so stubbornly in my mind?
(You’re so beautiful)
There are far too many ‘what ifs’,
(I should have told you that you were too)
Far too many ‘whys’.
(Demons always blocking my view)

I need to reach some sort of resolution.
(Don’t you wanna see me in a suit?)
The oblivious ignorance that once sheltered my mind is forever shattered.
(Just forget I ever existed!)

But I cannot see you.
(You can make me yours)
I cannot talk to you.
(why God, why!?)
My heart is trapped in a box.
(I tried to cover her up)
My world grows cold and grey.
(We are going to get married someday, aren’t you happy!?)

I fight to look around.
(I’m coming for you, and I’m making war)
I try to seize the day.
(So soft…I could lay on it like a pillow)
Surrounding me are all the things
I use to try not to think of you.
(You never liked it when I called you that)
Projects scattered about the house,
All unfinished.
(We are enemies now)

Paintings sketched and outlined at most.
(I don’t care)
Books unedited.
(What happened to your arm)
Chores undone.
(Yes, remember me)
Projects in half completion.
(You shouldn’t trust me)
So many books
(One maniac at a time)
Only partially read.
(I’m just singing cuz I’m happy)
I can’t focus on anything but you.
(You might like me if you got to know me)

What are you doing to my brain?
(There’s something very wrong with that boy. I think he’s dangerous.)

Scattered bits of memory
(Rolling up your sleeves)
Trapped in my mind
(What is she doing now? Show me.)
Like pieces of you
(I like the name Dan. Like Daniel and the
lion’s den)
Just floating through.
(I will cry for you)
Just memories.
(Why won’t you talk to me?!)
I can’t touch memories.
(Stop touching my hair!)

Nights I wish I could re-live.
(could I sing for you?)
Maybe I’d do better
(This time he has me.)
If I could do it all again.
(Best Friend)
How many chances did you have?
(I’m just the boy who’s had too many chances)
You thought it was luck.
(If only I had said it sooner)
It would have been luckier if I could see.
(Olive Juice)

Make it stop.
(My mom was The only one who called me that. You could call me that too if you want.)

I just need to look in your eyes.
(I’ve gotten my eyes checked just recently.)
Please don’t leave.
(Tell me where you are going so I can come too.)
Tell me we are friends.
(Do you have a secret girlfriend? No. I mean… I don’t do I?)
Tell me you’ll be there.
(Who’s Jake?)
That you forgive me.
(Don’t beat him up. He’s my friend!)
That it’ll be okay.
(She only wears dresses to church.)
I’d do anything.
(I just moved here.)
You said I should remind you.
(You are gonna feel aweful about the way you treated me.)
Not to make me angry.
(I’ll be your favorite someday)
It’s far more important that you don’t make me crazy.
(I could have given you a baby)

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