Today we run in Eyes on the prize

  • April 14, 2017, 6:41 a.m.
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This morning I ran 3.5km. Not bad for a first run in about a year, especially since I did actually run about 3k of it too and only walked from one lamppost to the next for a quick breather after I realised I’ve lost all ability to run and breathe at the same time. The actual running was fine, the breathing..... I’ve never appreciated the ability to breathe whilst doing something else at the same time until today! It’ll get better I know. I was up to 8km when I was last running regularly.

Off to join the gym so I can swim swim swim. I can do about a mile in an hour so that’s my challenge once the timetable is back to normal next week after Easter. It’s a fiver a go to use the pool, no wonder people don’t go regularly. I get corporate discount with working for the NHS so I can pay 25 quid a month and swim as much as I want which is an amazing saving. That includes the gym and classes too although I’m not fussed on the gym. Maybe I’ll go to a yoga class, I’ve been threatening to take it up forever for my back pain so maybe this is my incentive.

I’ve been good when it comes to food too, especially given I’ve been on nights and they zap the will to do anything out of me.

Tuesday. the dark day, even though I cried and cried all day I just needed to get going, to feel like I was doing something. I had sushi and fruit for lunch when I got up from my terrible sleep. I had salad and quiche for tea, a third of a two person quiche. I took a sachet of porridge to work for the middle of the night, the desk is always filled with sweets and biscuits and crisps and we usually just graze all night.

Wednesday I had poached eggs with spinach, tomatoes and mushrooms for breakfast. When I got up from my sleep, actually a lovely sleep, I had two ryvita with cottage cheese. It was like eating cardboard that a pigeon had shit on but was quick and stopped me reaching for the crisps. Tea was salad with chicken. I’ve taken to making a warm salad, so salad leaves and tomatoes, peppers, some grilled artichokes (from a jar in a little oil, also makes the dressing for the salad if i just add a bit of balsamic), and steamed veggies. The veggies make it so much more filling and I know they’re fresh and healthy. I need to have a little look while I’m at the shop today at lentils and beans and nuts/seeds to make my salads a bit more varied. Also, I have couscous so need to make that.

We did go out last night and it was fabulous. We went to St George’s Hall in Liverpool to see the Minton tiled floor they have. They keep it covered like 99% of the time to protect it from damage. I saw it advertised the last time it was unveiled like 5 years ago and didn’t get over to see it so I booked tickets this time and we were not disappointed. (My instagram is joaneb14 - still haven’t figured out how to put pics in my entries here!). It’s amazing to me that we pay so kid for city breaks around the world and have all this heritage on our doorstep. It’s actually quite shameful that I’m 32 and have never set foot in this building before. I did have a couple of gins (slimline tonic), and we ate out. I had a fish/seafood thing with rice. It was lovely. When we got home joey was rooting around in the cupboards and going on about maccies so I told him to go to bed! I will not let that boy derail me from this.


The Tranquil Loon April 14, 2017

Oh so good to hear you running and up-and-atom! I read a report in the news that women who have male babies were more likely to have hearty breakfasts before getting pregnant- just saying. I don't know how true that is... best of luck!

Camdengirl April 14, 2017

The night shifts must just make this so much harder - you reach for the easiest sugar boost when tired and that's carbs.

Yeah, I'm always amazed by the stuff we can find to do at home!

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