Friday Night ~~~ Allll Right in Plan B

  • April 1, 2017, 4:09 a.m.
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Can not believe it is the end of March all ready. Tomorrow is April 1’st. and it is the Lil House Expo here in town. I am actually volunteering and getting out of MY town for a change. Heading to the Big Downtown. It should be interesting. I see them on HGTV all the time now to see them in person is going to be a treat. The only thing I know I could n’t have is a bed in the loft. Going up and down the stairs and no. So we will see what we have there. 10 houses in total.
We opened up the new wing today. No one is in there yet. It was always there just now it is updated and in use or will be on Monday. We will move into the new digs on Monday. The oldsters are having a hard time with the change. I personally don’t give a shit. We are growing. Stretching. Soon there will be 50 added camera’s and 2 of us. Just hope the second person cares as much as I do. Today was busy but not too crazy. One thing I am learning is how people change in their recovery or not. One lady who at one time was one giant pain in the ass - got up 1k times a day just to see what kind of reaction she would get. Now. She is on a different floor and if she passes a way it won’t surprise me. Life of a patient. I love my successes.
I am so grateful for all that I have and where I am at in my life. I am blessed. Peace In and Peace Out.

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