Killen It on a Friday Night in Plan B

  • March 10, 2017, 10:08 p.m.
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Chillen like the villian I am. Peter Murphy ~ Low Room....much like. Today was cray - cray. Full hospital. No techs or just one. One guy screamin his bloody head off. One nurse is a charge nurse on both floors. Crying nurses. I mean cryyyyin. The new heli pad is laid and it was tested out tonight with a real deal. I just got to my car in time when it landed. Just closed the door and watched the dust roll over the car and feel it shake from the air surrounding it like a force not to fuck with. Seconds later out comes 2 pilots and a body. We had 4 meat wagons waiting to drop off patientsWelcome to friday night in the houuuse. Full moon, Friday night, Time change and last but not least the Big Race is this weekend. 25,000 peeps downtown right now. Me however on my couch listening to Eco and having my wine. Life is good.
No I did not get the job. It’s ok. I tried. I know in my heart of hearts they want someone who already has their shit together in the house. No time for training a newbie. Shit is going to move fast and it’s going to hit the fan.
The allergies are flying like feathers in a wind. Both Romeo and I are a hot mess. Him and I both go thru eye drops like stoners. I remember using visine like water. The cool breeze is blowing thru and later this week we are going to drop down in the 50’s at night and only 60 thru the day. Brrrr. Now some NIN…ahhh yes.
No real plans for tomorrow. 2 things bug me. The coffee table and the book shelf. I hate clutter. I like organized clutter. I also have to start working on my art. I feel it inside of me and it has to come out. When I went to the Indy last weekend it felt like I belonged there. Just be free with what I want to do and I will. I will succeed. I must. It rolls around in my head like a pea in a bowl and it is coming closer and it will happen. I see things in my head and I know I can make it happen and I will. Another form of expression. One good thing about living here. People will buy a turd on a string if it has anything to do with FL. on it. Tourist dress to the hilt. Bless there lil souls. Can’t wait till they leave. Cheeseits. ” The Loop Closes” How to Destroy Angels. O.K. Luv white zombies.
I am on Insta and I am amazed how many peoples like my photos. I have gained a small following which is nice. Mostly local. One from Canada. I love Insta because it’s quick and fast and you see so many cool things that fall off of f/b and onto there. Between that and Pin you never have to leave the house. Our local Publix now delivers.Ya. But no. I live going. Looking seeing touching feeling and NO GMO’s. AWESOME! They are carrying a whole bunch of Non GMO of everything. I bought everything Non GMO on Th. for $40. I did not like the coffee creamer. Almond and coffee don’t cut it. I won’t go Hard Core but lax on the coffee creamer. Going to ask the Mang. of the store if he will support it all the way thru the store. NO GMO’s in every isle. Hmmm. Good letter to write there. Going to cruize around the web and then off to bed. Feels so good to be TV free.

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