No Winter? in A small but passable life.

  • Feb. 19, 2017, 3:34 p.m.
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I had to look to see when I’d last scribbled in here. Sixteen days ago. Wow. Okay. Where was I?

Monday before last Liam Dog and I walked to the library to check out the two books waiting for me.

I spent until this past Wednesday reading the first of them- “Dark Money” by Jane Mayer. The reason it took over a week to read it was that I kept having to stop and contemplate on things I was reading about.

I walked to the library on Wednesday to return it. I ordered Matt Taibbi’s latest book. I’m number six on the hold list with the library having three copies. So, maybe a couple or three weeks to wait for it.

I’m now reading the second book.

There has been no Winter this Winter. There have been quite a few days it’s been warmer here than in the desert. Like today. At 1pm it was 70 degrees here and 50 degrees there. Crazy.

I’ve done real well with the whole “shave and shower on Sunday whether I need it or not” thing. I haven’t missed one this year. I did run out of Irish Spring bar soap but I have a whole baggie of those little bar soaps from the pay-by-the-week motel I stayed in about seven Winters ago. They get pretty tiny near the end but if I press a new one to the old one I can use them till they’re gone. Perfect. The Barbasol is nearly empty but I can use soap suds to shave.

So yeah, instead of sitting here in my lawn chair gazing out the window I should be outside, maybe walking. Or sitting. Enjoying the global warming.


I had such an awesome lucid dream this morning. I’m getting better at it. Characters in dreams now having their own dreams. It’s getting rather intense and complicated. As long as I’m still waking up afterwards I figure it ain’t a bad thing. Right?

Anyway, I’ve got a book to read.

Deleted user February 19, 2017

Right ! I wish there was no Winter here :-) Enjoy your book ! Keep up the shave and shower routine . It will make you feel better :-)

Gilraent February 20, 2017

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