Jazz Band:A Super High Quality Illustration - 6/11/2007 in 2005 - 2007: High School

  • Aug. 17, 2013, 1:43 a.m.
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  • Public

Here is something else that I drew:

Some points:

  • These people were never all in the same jazz band together. That is why it's the everyone-I've-written-about super jazz band.

  • Hey, Mike's nose is in reality almost as big as Speedy's nose. How does he get away with it so much better?

  • If Noah and Jack were both floating, I think it would be interesting to see who would actually notice first. It would be a close call.

  • Especially after coloring this in, it reminds me a lot of drawings I used to do when I was a little kid. They all looked exactly like this, with the badly clashing bright colors and everything.


  • I am kind of disappointed by Captain Mojo. He doesn't look like Captain Mojo. Everybody else except for Laura came out surprisingly well though, for being so cartoony.

Despite the silliness, I am actually not doing so well right now. I will write later about why I am not doing so well...

I did just go to the grocery store though, and it made me feel a little better because it was something to do and also because Evan Desmond said hi to me and we had a small conversation and laughed. He works there, apparantly. Why did this make me feel a little better? Because Evan Desmond is cute, that's why. And he's tall. And he's a very good jazz musician. I shouldn't be so hard on him. He's not that much of a slacker. And it was very nice of him to make some inner girly part of me beam and giggle.

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