Been 4 Ever in Plan B

  • Jan. 14, 2017, 4:14 a.m.
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It feels like 1,000 years have passed since I last wrote an entry. Back in the day I would put an entry in at least once a day if not more and now when I see the lap top just sitting there I just walk past and keep going whether it’s getting ready for work or just needing to decompress after a really intense day. My days are more intense.
It is now it is season. The hospital is rockin. I watched today 44 out of 46 patients on what I do. I know that doesn’t sound a lot but 44 patients all at once is crazy. The rush you get from watching patients go from laying with mits and restraints ( mostly due to their own demise ) to getting up and bolting out the looking for their next high is crazy.
Not only that but there is so many variables. Like families helping patients. To some point it is ok but after that point it is not. Like helping a patient to the bed side comode - no. Helping them walk to the bathroom no. Then you have patients in NICCU and ICCU. O my Gawd. So yes my job is very intense.Let’s not forget the drug addicts. But I like it. It beats being on the floor and taking care of those patients. 4 assist to bathe someone . No. No. No. It is not even funny. But it’s real.
Watching 20/20…and it makes tears in my eyes. These people who have 3 jobs or so just to live. Contract workers who have to live in motor homes right outside where they work so they can. I am blessed and I know it. I will never ever take what I have for granted. Ever. Right now I am paying $30 less than my mortgage for rent but I have never been happier. Let the ego go. The ego giveth the bank taketh away. It is real.
I have seen so many home just fly off the radar. Monday it is up for sale with insane price and BAM it is gone before Th. and the only reason I know is because I go past that very house 3 days a week and it is gone before Friday. Gone. Nothing special happens to that house. It automatically goes to a rental. Rent has gone up here so fast that it is hard to keep up. I am thinking about doing a page on renters for face book in just the town I live in. We have a gay couple who moved in just a block away and are paying over $1K a month in living in a duplex. Thinking about it.
Feels good to be adulting. Just drinking a glass of wine or 2 and chilling. I am blessed and I know it. Thankfully I have tomorrow off. I want to do some things around the house. Simple things like washing the floors. It will be done.
The weather is back. Yea! After 48 hours of coldness the high temps have returned. :)
Trumph comes into office next Friday....glad I am working. I told Ruby who I work with that we won’t be listening to the swearing in. Just a hint. Take it. It is real.
I have written enough for now. Time to stop. Peace In and Peace Out. Namaste.

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