16 weeks in Baby Stuff

  • Jan. 29, 2014, 9:42 p.m.
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Well this week has been fine in regards to my energy level, but I'm still often pissed off about various things. I wish I was a less pissed-off pregnant lady, but little things really get under my skin, such as when trash gets left out that I have to clean up, or dishes left somewhere that I have to clean up. I sent an e-mail to Jacob and my sister outlining the things I need help with, since no matter how many times I ask, they don't seem to understand. It's really grating on me.

I'm insanely busy. I spend about two to three hours cleaning in the morning (seriously, how do I find this much stuff to clean everyday?), after getting breakfast for Cannon and myself. Then Cannon is in a bad mood in the morning usually (weaning had been difficult for him) and he gets upset when he can't constantly watch something on Netflix (sigh) so I have to try to distract him with other things. Then lunch time rolls around, so I have to prepare food for us. Then I finally get him to sleep for a nap, which is the only time I get to sit down and do homework (he takes a 1.5 to 3 hour nap, depending on the day). Then he gets up, I feed him a snack, and do some other housework that needs done, and get dinner started (if it's not quick and easy, then I wait). Then I take care of Cannon, and Jacob gets home. We have dinner, Cannon needs a bath, etc. Cannon usually stays up until 12.30 to 1am lately (ugh) and then I plan my sister's lessons for the next day... and then I can barely get myself ready for bed and then I go to sleep. I have class Mondays and Tuesdays at night, so that throws a wrench in my study time too.

It's really hard to get work done with such a busy schedule. So far I'm managing, but I'm very, very stressed.

Anyway, I'm not really having any new symptoms. I just pregnant. :P I haven't been craving anything much. I'm not really hungry as much as normal, but I think I should start snacking more. I don't eat much as it is because with this kid I just haven't been hungry, but I've been trying to force myself. I'm sure I've gained some weight this time, but my appointment is a week from today so we will see.

Starhawk January 29, 2014

my son goes apeshit over being denied his Netflix, too. if it were up to him, that's all he'd do, every waking hour, i think.

he is up till 1am? no wonder he's in a bad mood in the morning. it's hard to deal with though, i know you can't MAKE them sleep. we have the same issue.

i hope you get to the glowy, radiant pregnancy stage sooner rather than later, so you can feel better and not bite anyone's body parts off.

martian princess Starhawk ⋅ January 30, 2014

He has always been up late! as a newborn, he would finally go to bed at 1am or later and he would sleep into the afternoon. There was a period of time where he wouldn't go to sleep until 4 to 7 am. I fixed it eventually so that he would finally go to bed at 11 or 12, but that was exhausting! whenever I fix his schedule, he always changes it so it's later.

He is 17 months and just started sleeping through the night, hallelujah.

Flame is Love January 29, 2014

Congrats on the pregnancy. Read back a bit, crazy how fast that happened.

martian princess Flame is Love ⋅ January 30, 2014

Thanks! yes, it was very unexpected but I am thankful! :)

Deleted user January 30, 2014

Holy busy pregnant lady! I hope they start to help out more. That sounds so tiring especially with Cannon being up so late. Eviee uses my kindle to watch netflix and if she gets in trouble i take it away for the day. She cries like its the end of the world...

martian princess Deleted user ⋅ January 30, 2014

Netflix is crack for children. x.x Cannon also loves netflix on the kindle. or our phones. but not the tv. lol.

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