Christmas Eve Eve....2016 in Plan B

  • Dec. 24, 2016, 4:12 a.m.
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Watching 20/20 and their tributes to passed. The first one is Prince. I remember when he very first came out every one thought Who is this guy? No one wanted to play with him so he did everything. Everything. Allllllll the music. Keyboards, mixing, guitar all of it. No one wanted him. I wanted him. I loved him from the very beginning. Always will. I am so sorry that he passed a way. When I heard why? D.O. O man. Makes my heart still hurts. My Dad liked Prince.
Glen Fry, David Bowie....I love his oddness. Merle Haggard. So authentic. Real. Glen Fry what a man. Hotel is so sad that the Eagles hate each other. No shit. Their dressing rooms had to be separated. Their interviews. Separated. Their egos were so big the thought of being together was so hard. Then when their world tour came out…When Hell Freezes Over.....was truer than we thought. Mahammad Ali....John Glenn. Antonin Schalia. Harper Lee… Elie Wiesel. Leon Russel. Leonard Cohen. I have listened to his music lately. His voice is lovely.
Gene Wilder. Young Frankenstein the Best. Willy Wonka. This year was a hell of a year. In all aspects in my life and world wide.
I am in my second year at the hospital. I am happy. For the first time in a very long time I am very happy. I am blessed and I know it. Still I tread slowly and will but all in all this was a good year for me in so many ways. It makes up for the “other ” years that were crappy.
Have no clue what this new year is going to bring. No one does. One thing for sure with Trumph is office we are going to be fucked. First and foremost his Twitter account needs to be closed forever. He is an ego driven man who is not used to being said NO to. His ego is bigger than his hair. I feel sorry for our Nation. We are screwed.
There is nothing better than a friday night at home with Romeo beside me and a quiet home and hood. Everything has taken a break even crime. Thankyouverymuch. I haven’t heard any gun shots or helicopters. Yea. I don’t live in a bad hood just surrounded by a bad hood. Cross one street and well....This time tomorrow night should be quiet too.
We have a warning that churches will be hurt this weekend. How sad. How fucking sad. I know I sound like a pessimist and I really don’t wanna be. But you can’t help it.
As for right now just keepin it low or high. We hit records high today. 80’s....I can handle that.
With that I say good night. Peace In and Peace Out. Mostly Out.

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