"Jingle" in Postcards 4

  • Dec. 12, 2016, 2:05 a.m.
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  • Public

Zoe, G and Mage waiting for the theater doors to Open.

  • Himself: Friday night: We enjoyed the office party two hours up the coast. A good chance to network and talk to the bosses. G is now working vastly longer hours now as a new client is sending in many, many new jobs. They are trying to hire someone. He’s ok with it all, but I worry. Saturday: Costco, work, museum, and out to dinner with Margot and Zoe. "Jingle" afterwards. He loved the show last night.
  • Herself: Friday night: I too was able to talk Datsun SPL 311’s with one car guy at the office party. Great Deserts. Saturday: Costco stuff, tidy house, mending, and off to Pizza Nova and the Gay Men’s Chorus’s holiday show “Jingle.” Flat out fun stuff. Zoe was a little cranky with dinner and the balcony height.
  • Reading: Between books.
  • Gratitudes: Everything at the moment. Just everything.

NorthernSeeker December 12, 2016

Oh, "Jingle" sounds fun. Zoe looks pretty happy in that photo.

aunty EM December 12, 2016

Love your gratitudes list today.

Hillbilly Princess December 12, 2016

Deleted user January 02, 2017

Great pic!

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