Updates on Various - December, 2016 in These Foolish Things

  • Dec. 10, 2016, 11:35 a.m.
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I’m already writing 2017 dates on a lot of documents, and I almost did that in the title, but I figured I should update on the various goings on…

Work: Strange. We’re moving in new directions and that is GOOD, but I need desperately to move away from Boss’s undermining and non-trusting ways. The man does not trust me to do anything right and it makes me want to not do anything.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot - how I’ve kind of always not liked my bosses. It makes me wonder if I should be doing all of this stuff for myself. But what was I meant to be/do?

I do know that the new position(s) opening up are much more along the lines of my passion - understanding how things tick and why people do what they do. Less number-y (though there is plenty of analysis involved), more strategy.

The guy who will be the boss of this new area is a pretty cool guy and I like him and vice versa. He said he definitely wants to talk to me about the new roles when the time is right…the new roles will affect some current positions, and he needs to talk with some of the people it will affect.

Our CEO has advised that there will be a video production crew in our offices on Monday and Tuesday creating a video for some kind of presentation that will be shown to the company that owns our company. I’m hoping it’s for the sale of the company. What would be awesome is if the company sold and I collected my small nest egg and moved on to bigger and better things. Yes! But who knows.

I had a dream that the video was something even bigger - something about the CEO being a lesbian and how female-run companies are extremely important and yada yada. I don’t know.

Maybe it’s for something bigger and better or maybe it’s for something small. What I do know is that I’ve been asked to absolutely bring my dog in to work on Mon/Tues, so I know she’ll be one of the stars!

Health: Working out is going well. Weight comes off so slowly…slowly…and it’s not nearly as much fun as gaining weight! But you know, once the weight starts to come off and my body starts to become stronger and look better, my self-esteem really gets a boost. Before you know it, I’ll be back to making out with captains of football teams. Heh.

I’ve kept this kind of on the down low because I’m absolutely not proud, but I had really started to kick the smoking up a notch, really ever since I’d known The Bulldog. He was a heavy smoker and I was a social smoker, but had never really been around anyone who was a pack and 1/2 to two-pack a day person.

I found myself smoking more and more in the car, in the morning, when bored, when checking my Instagram, etc.

I just looked at myself the other day like, WTF is going on, Ginger? I’ve stopped cold turkey. Doesn’t mean I’ll never puff again, because drinking, but it was really getting ridiculous.

And drinking, well, diet and counting calories helps me keep that in check. It takes me 4-5 days to go through a bottle of bubbly - if I even have a glass every evening, and that’s not been the norm the last two or three weeks. Anyway, I’ve really cut way back lately. It’s been fine.

Love Life: Speaking of cutting way back. I have nobody even in the peripheral. Not sure what to say about this, but I’m just not into it right now. Maybe when I get my body mojo back…we’ll see.

Oh, but guess who was still texting me…even after he told me that his new fiancee won’t allow him to text me anymore?

Yes, Sexy Pants.

He’d texted my on my birthday back in October, which I ignored. And then, like Sunday night he texted me again asking me what I was up to. Again, I ignored. Fuck him!

Finally, in the middle of the week, he sent another text apologizing, but also telling me that his wedding was off…just as quickly as it was on.

This one I did answer, asking WTF happened. He told me that he guessed she had doubts, so he’s decided to move back to [my city]. Ugh. Whatever.

He then invited me to dinner with him and his BFF’s family, and you know I adore these people so much, but I just don’t want to get tangled back into that shit, so I declined.

His BFF made a comment on a picture I posted to FB, but I never answered it. What the eff. Does Sexy Pants think he can make a comeback with me? I hope not. He tore me to shreds. I don’t need that shit in my life.

But I do want a partner. I will always want a partner. Always.

I am happy right now, but not satisfied. There is something big missing from my life. I am not complete. I can live, but just not fully.

Dog: Yes, my absolute joy and love. I’m about to take her on a long walk. I opted out of a holiday party last night so that I could take her to get a photo with Santa and then crawl into bed with her on a cold night! It’s pretty crazy. I can’t love a creature more than I love her.

With that, I’m out.


I've made it December 10, 2016

I am so with you on the dog love. And the tiny things. Like the way he sits next to me in the car, kind of slouchy and looking out his window.

Ginger Snap I've made it ⋅ December 11, 2016


Athena December 10, 2016

do not go to dinner or lunch or coffee or anything else with that guy. not that you asked me.

Ginger Snap Athena ⋅ December 11, 2016

No way in hell. No effing way.

Athena December 10, 2016

it's your martini-versary!

Ginger Snap Athena ⋅ December 10, 2016

WOW! You're right! Martini-versary!! ❤️

Jafael December 12, 2016

Yep, he's totally making a play and good for you seeing that he's just not good!

Great job on putting your health in top priority! It certainly does take work to quit bad habits and build healthy routines, so congrats on doing that for yourself!

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